Yesterday at work was boring as hell. Every day at work is boring as hell. I did play with the two laptops I'll be using to caption with though. After work Justin came over, we played video games till like 7ish then went up to the Pub. They changed their damn monday night 2.99 dinner special from Pizza to chips and cheese. What kind of bullshit is that?!? So we had two pitchers between the two of us and shot some pool. After that we went to Burger King for some 99 cent double cheeseburgers. Damn drunken munchies. We each had 5 of them bitches. Soooo good. When we were in the drive through, queen bitch was working the window. I can't believe she got pissed that we ordered 10 double cheese burgers. What? They're on sale, deal with it you fucking skank. She is the one I wrote about a while back who always brings her problems into work with her and lets everyone know what a shitty day she's having. Sorry bitch, you're a manager and you shouldn't bring your problems into work. I don't want to deal with your shit on top of mine. Is it my fault or even problem that you have two jobs and work 'too much' (too much being 50 hours a week, please I worked 70 hours a week on average for over a year not to mention the 90 hours I worked during the week of x-mas). So yea, end rant. We went back to my place and ate the burgers and played more xbox, god we're so juvenile. Drinking, shooting pool, munching on some grindage (yes, I quoted old Paulie Shore), and videogameage.. Good night!
Today is another boring day in the tutoring center 'practicing using c-print'. So here I sit, writing yet another live journal entry. I am gonna be at work till around 4pm then I am going to Robinson Field to hang out with the Lambda Chi guys and help setup/do the drum circle. I talked to Jeremy and apparently the new guys don't want to offer me a bid because they don't know me well enough. Umm yea, it's too bad I've been hanging out with LCA longer then they have been around. Oh well, what are a few hoops..
Tomorrow night I am gonna do the same but only until like 6:30pm-ish. Practice softball with a few more people that are on campus now. I want to start forming my roster a little tighter.
Thursday I might work in the morning but I am definitely taking Thursday afternoon and Friday all day off. I already told my boss I have to help my roommate move in and get all our stuff situated.
Saturday we are tailgating from whenever the gates open for us to park in the lot till the game starts.
Sunday I am going up to Bear Lake-ish with Nate (my roomie) to help him with some drumming thing for church (oh yay, I am going to step foot in a church).
Monday I have to work, not sure when yet.
Tuesday I am going to pick up my paycheck and cash it before I have my first day of classes from 10am-5:15pm downtown. After that I am gonna hang out at the LCA teeter-totter-a-thon.
Wednesday is more work, not sure what times yet. Before and after I am going to hang out at the LCA teeter-totter-a-thon.
Thursday is class from 10am-5:15pm downtown and maybe the HP club, not sure if their meets are gonna start the first week of school or not.
Friday is nothing but softball practice, and I might hang out on campus a bit. Not sure yet.
Saturday is the first U of M football game, more tailgating, and more GVSU football! Go GV!! woot woot..
Not sure after that.. I have to go to the captains meeting for softball on the 8th and our first game could be as early as the 10th..