Title: Untitled (babysitting drabble)
Theme: Dash (#54) - taken from
101_kisses Genre: Humor
Rating: PG
Notes: Some of these scenarios got tossed out of
It’s all in the nose. I reworked them, added some stuff, stuck them together, & here we are.
Just another day in the life )
I <3 this, because you were a preschool teacher, right? So I KNOW that you've witnessed all of this firsthand! Especially the sand...I've seen kids eat sand at the beach before, then freak out because it's gritty. Even better, some dumb kid dipped his musubi in the sand and THEN ate it and freaked out. I sat there like "HAha you dumb shit you just ate sand o wait you're 2 you don't know any better my bad."
And she got Zared to sing! AAWWW. I wonder what he would have done if he had known about the biting thing beforehand?? LOL.
I love you honey. Keep writing more! And so far you've had Kunz and Zared babysit and be clueless, so there has to be a baby whisperer among them, right? I vote Neph. Please say it's Neph...he was all cute and tender when CU was born (YES I REMEMBER THAT FIC IMMA STALKER!)
You have a great memory. These are indeed remnants of my preschool days.
o wait you're 2 you don't know any better my bad
Yes they do! I know because I told them TWO MINUTES PRIOR not to do it! Eat your sand musubi if you want - I love you kid, but at that point, I'm all empathized out.
I don't know that he would've done anything differently - he's just a little terrified that something so small can be so vicious, 'cause seriously, those kids bite hard.
Neph's definitely a little better with the babies/toddlers than K & Z (although he's still scared of that soft spot on their head, he doesn't know when it goes away), but J did have that drabble where he did Chibi-Usa's hair & spent the whole day playing with her without losing his head. More coming tomorrow. :)
Just saying.
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