Alright. The whore-posting begins.
here to understand what I'm doing with these themes & why I'm doing what I'm doing.
Title: Sins of the Past
Author: honey
Theme: Utopia (#89) - theme taken from 101_Kisses themes list
Genre: General/Drama
Rating: PG
Status: Completed.6.5.2006
He looked up at the blonde with disinterest. “Serenity.”
“Usagi,” she corrected him with a smile.
He grunted in response, wondering if she’d always been so annoyingly naïve.
She shifted, clearly uncomfortable with the silence. Kiyoshi didn’t mind. He liked the lack of noise, of filler that didn’t matter.
“You look like you’re thinking about something.”
Apparently, she was astute as well.
Kiyoshi resigned himself. “I’m thinking of the Moon Kingdom.” A streak of spite flashed through him. “I’m wondering if you’ll run your, ¬_utopia_, the way your mother did.”
The way he said it, the tone, the implication, the ambiguity was not lost on Usagi.
She lost her softness. “And how did my mother run the Moon Kingdom?”
Kiyoshi reveled in the opportunity to goad and mock her. He evaded her question by asking another. “What happens at this point with the other planets? There’s no life as far as we can tell. Do they matter anymore? Does the moon?”
Usagi frowned. “Of course they do-“
“And if there is life,” he interrupted, “are they subject to you as well?”
Usagi bristled with understanding. “No one was subject-“
Kiyoshi snorted. Usagi wondered if the man ever smiled or experienced joy anymore. “_We_ were, princess. Just because you didn’t see it doesn’t make it a lie.” He looked at her with contempt. “You watched us from your ivory tower. You knew Metallia was spreading. You-“
Usagi was the one to interrupt then. “We weren’t to interfere!”
“You didn’t want to interfere!” Kiyoshi roared. He turned to her then, eyes raging. The green flashed silver briefly. She took a step back before straightening herself and meeting his accusing glare.
It wasn’t their place! She wouldn’t let him disparage her mother like that. They were supposed to be the guides, not the leaders. Why couldn’t he understand the difference?
“Don’t blame your betrayal on me, Kiyoshi! Whatever you did, you did yourself!”
‘At least she’s grown a backbone,’ he thought bitterly. He took a deep breath to calm himself. She was still _his_ princess.
“What we did, we did because we had no other choice. We tried to work with her. What were we to do? You left us to fend for ourselves. You watched us from your bubble, pretending to care. Endymion lost his planet!”
“And I lost mine!” Usagi cried.
He measured her for a long moment, looking at her coolly. “It doesn’t matter, though, does it?” He said it almost dismissively.
He stood and looked down on her. “I exist to serve Endymion and the planet. _My_ planet,” he stressed. When Usagi moved to protest, he continued, “My allegiance is to Endymion and this planet.”
The meaning struck Usagi.
“Don’t interfere with either.”
Title: Kindling
Author: honey
Theme: Warmness on the Soul (#95) - theme taken from 101_Kisses themes list
Genre: General/Angst
Rating: PG
Status: Completed.6.25.2006
Zared awoke slowly, rubbing his face reflexively into the material he was laying on. It was unusually rougher than what he was accustomed to, and as he blinked his eyes wider and wider, he saw he was not lying on his 400 thread-count pillow case. Instead, he had been lying in the jean-clad lap of a dozing Ami.
He sat up, frowning at her in his post-sleep haze. She had come over because . . . because he had asked her to. Because he could not sleep and because he could not turn to Riko and Jiro. Because Kiyoshi had, as of late, been otherwise occupied. Because Mamoru would not be able to understand.
So, he had turned to the only person left on the list. And as much as he hated to involve her, he had needed her. And she had come.
Jiro spoke of loving Rei for lighting him with life. Warming him with her fire. Surrounding him in flaming embraces. Burning him so he knew he was alive.
‘I can do without,’ Zared mused. He stroked Ami’s cheek before rising to brush the taste he couldn’t believe was in his mouth.
Zared could do without Mars’ fire. It reminded him too much of hell. Too many memories burned of frustration and helplessness and regret. Flames of past anger unleashed scorched him. Images of disbelief and pain blazed across his mind eternally.
Hell would let him go, but it would not release him.
‘No,’ Zared thought. ‘Rei would burn me. I would ash in her embrace.’ He almost smiled at the image of spontaneous combustion in Rei’s arms, and Rei’s subsequent facial expression.
He toweled his face dry. ‘But Ami…’
Ami soothed his burns, as she had last night. Her kisses washed over his inferno. Her touches cooled his heat. She cradled him in her waves and lulled him to a sleep, where he still dreamt nightmares, but . . .
He could almost ignore the flames licking at his feet - drying the relief Ami provided - and leaving thick smoke - meant to suffocate and burn and punish him.
When he exited the bathroom, Ami smiled sleepily at him and raised her arms. Voice sexily rough, she asked, “Come lay with me.”
Zared settled himself against her chest fluidly, her arms resting upon his back lightly. He shut his eyes as her breathing evened.