Still monoed.

Dec 11, 2012 13:22

The thing about mono is that sometimes it's hard to tell whether I'm tired because a) I have a disease that makes me tired, or b) I am a naturally indolent person who is in terrible physical shape because I have a disease that makes me tired. If it's a, then I should lie down and watch some cartoons or something, if it's b, I should push a little. Problem is that even when it's b, pushing a little doesn't actually do the thing it normally does, where I have a bit more energy the next day. Instead, I'm more tired the next day.

Also, it turns out that writing takes more mental energy than I mostly have. Same applies to answering emails and comments and such. Sorry, everyone to whom I owe an email! And anyone who might decide to comment!

I do have the sense that I'm recovering, and hopefully I'll find a way to do some work soon, but for the moment, I can just about manage doing the shopping and occasional other similar activity, and watching cartoons and so on.

Mononucleosis is disease that if you're going to get it, you want it around junior high school, when you can really appreciate it.

Oh, and also--I've got a story up: America Thief is on Strange Horizons in two parts, here, and here. It's 1920s Jewish gangsters with magic, for those that were looking for more 1920s Jewish gangsters with magic.
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