(no subject)

Nov 02, 2007 20:54

What a day. I go to the doctors cause my thumb's fucked up and they pretty much told me the bands that pull it are inflamed and I need to use it as little as possible for 1 to 2 weeks or it could get worse and gave me meds for the inflammation. Then I had to go get x-rays of my wrist and meet my grandpa at Jax for lunch. Well on the way to lunch some asshole turned into me and fucked my car all up, spun me all over the road and fucking ran off. My grandpa and his friends drove by like 10 seconds later. They drove around the neighborhood and found the car so when the cop came he went over and the guy was a damn gook or something, 65, and couldn't speak English. He came home and ran his car up to the shed under the carport and then took off so his son had to go and get him. The cop wrote him the ticket and he got a criminal charge for leaving the scene of an accident and a bunch of shit. Hopefully they'll total my car so I can get the money towards a new car. My uncle is doing work for this guy that deals with accidents and provides therapy and a lawyer. My uncled called him and I go in Monday morning to deal with everything. So if I'm lucky I might get enough money to get another car and take care of my back and neck if it's really fucked up. So hopefully this will turn out good and not fuck me over even more.
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