Oct 28, 2005 23:04
today ashlee came to my school, unfortunatly she was late.
we went almost to ocala and went down this road called thrill hill
you have to go down it to understand why i took her down it
i was late to work, but i called in and told them i would be
if she had been to crooms on time and i wouldnt have stoped and gotten a sub then i probobly wouldnt have been late
i am glad that we did that today, cause it sounds like as of tomorrow i am not going to get to have my car anymore
all i know is that i have to take my car to my grandpa's and drop it off.
my grandpa even told my mom that i was to give her the key to my car
so i am pretty mother fucking pissed
specially cause i know that she told him some good lies to make him believe that i shouldnt have my car
and the fact that she likes to have total control of every part of my life
but i mean, hey if that is what she wants to happen, that is what she is going to get
its pretty good actually, cause that saves me fucking gas for the week and on weekends
and then i dont have to drive around, and i love it. fuck her, she is going to have to carry my ass around everywhere
i am just hoping that my grandpa is going to give me the old truck that was supposed to be for me
cause that will save a lot of trouble, and save us from getting in a fight
cause i am tired of this bullshit
and if he or anyone starts any more shit, then i am just going to be like, ok i need to go home before i go to work
cause i have work at 3:30 tomorrow, so that pretty much means that i am not going to be able to sleep in
so we, tomorrow i am just going to sleep, and when i wake up take my time getting ready to go
and if they dont like it, then they can go fuck off.
My mom is like really starting to piss me off again
i mean, everything was fine, or atleast getting better
and now she is starting to go back to her normal bitchy self, only worse
and it is in a different way than before, and they way she is actaing now is like fucking omg
hell she thought she was going to ground me on thurs cause she said:
Mom: Micheal is taking both tires off your car
Me: how is he going to take them off at the same time, isnt he going to have to put the maypop on]
Mom: no he just jacked it up in the middle
Me: that doesnt sound too safe
and then she was like, blah blah, you know what w.e you cant appreiciate anything anyone does,
blah blah blah, something about this and that, and so i was like w.e. and then she was like your grounded
and i was like o no
today i wasnt supposed to go anywhere, or do anything, but i dont give a fuck
School is stupid, i hate it so much it is sick
i am tire of wasting my life and time with school
i mean, i am not even going to go to college
the only reason i would go would be to go to be a chef
i mean once i hit 18 i am going to become a bartender
they make like fucking kick ass money
i would like to become a chef too
its not like omfg i want to be one
it just is pretty fun to cook, and get paid for doing it
the only other thing that i would go to school for would be, and yes what i am about to say is for real, and it isny a typo
i want to like major or just atleast study in the topic of religion
so yeah, and i really want to finish schooling at scc
no FCATs and i can finish schooling earlier
I like the job i am at
doesnt require any major education
i mean people can be fucking pain in the asses on the phone and shit
but after a while you can become a Sr. Agent, which pretty much, when people want a superviser, they are who they get
a Sr. Agent doesnt have to sit in front of a computer and take calls
the only time they have to take a call is when a sup is needed.
they also answer new peoples questions, which is us, and the other people that are going to come on the floor
and what ever questions the other people that have been there for a while might need answered
if i wanted to i could also train for telephony and it is supposed to be like supper easier and more relaxed
and traing is only 8pm to 1am for like a week and a half or something close to that
i mean i know that sounds a lot but it really isnt
5 weeks of training, mon thru fri is a lot
but i think that is only for part time, which is 8 hours a day
and since i am under 18 i think i cant work more than 30 hours and i am not allowed to work after 12
so idk, but i mean at convergys there is so much room to advance to different things
and they pay is fucking kick ass, if you are there for a while, your pay is like WOah.
but so yeah, this is the job i think i am giong to try to stay at for as long as i can
either until i get a better job offering like years down the road or something
or if i get burned out from the job. so idk
Ashlee is moving to ocala
not just like down the road 30 min to 1 hour ocala
she is moving to the very far north-west part which is like 2 hours away
i am going to go up there the weekend that she moves up there, which is next weekend
on sat after work, and then come home sun
and idk how my mom is going to take me, but since i dont have a car she is going to be the one to take me
and i am going to spend the night cause that is a far drive
i just dont know if that is a good idea, cause then my mom will know where she lives
and i am thinking about fucking leaving home for a while in a few months and just stay with her for a while
after about a month or 2 i will come back
that is plenty off enough time for her to have calmed the fuck down and stop being a bitch
and for her to stop fucking treating me like i am fucking 10
i mean hell, when i went to spend the night at ashlee's told me that i am too young to be spending the night
i was like, wtf, i am 16, not 7, get the fuck over it.
talk about fucking attachment issues, she cant fucking let go of anything
took her forever to get rid of my fucking dad
and now taking her forever to fucking kick my step dad to the curb
so wtf ever, fuck her, she needs to grow up
Yeah you all suck
Only my BFF i like and can stand
Everyone else pretty much sucks
Unless you want to go out with me, then that is different
And you dont suck, and just say something
So yeah, i think there is one person i need to meet
And then i might just be dating someone
Hopefully it will happen soon
I am so fucking bored with life and need something to do
Or someONE for that matter. ha
For Ashlee:
Should i end this with a
Phuk U All
More below, just on a different topic