fic: Game for Three

Nov 05, 2005 10:30

Title: Game for Three
Author: _mausi
Rating: G
Summary: David Hodges does not play. NickGregDavid friendship.

AN: For starry_midnight. And um, hi, I'm new :)

"Stop it."

The baby stops crying and looks at David, who is leaning against his desk, arms folded over his chest, but when it becomes clear that he is not going to pick up the bottle she has thrown down onto the floor, she begins crying again.

"I'm not picking it up."

For the love of all that is holy, he doesn't even know why he, of all people, is stuck with the kid. And it doesn't even count as a kid yet. It's a baby, and the worst kind. The kind that wants him to play.

David Hodges does not play. Especially with babies.

He's expecting Sara to march in any second, demanding her evidence be analyzed now, and Nick will probably make an appearance and ask why his isn't ready, either.

And he'll have no choice but to point at the screaming thing sitting three feet in front of him. Because really, how can he work while his ears are bleeding?

"What's goin' on?"

He jumps when he hears Nick's voice in his ear. "She won't stop crying," he responds.

Nick gives him a funny look. "Well, why don't you pick her bottle up?"

"Because she'll throw it back down."

Nick rolls his eyes, bends down, and before David can shout any warning, picks the bottle up and hands it to the screaming baby.

He rolls his eyes when Nick turns back to him, looking oddly proud, and flat out laughs at the look on Nick's face when they hear the sound of the bottle hitting the floor.

"So," Nick says, "why do you have a baby in here? What's her name?"

He shrugs. "Kaylee. She's Archie's niece."

They're silent for a few moments as Nick continues to pick the bottle back up and hand it to Kaylee every time she throws it down. "But why's she in here?" he finally asks.

"Archie ran in, asked if I'd mind watching her, and left."

"You didn't say yes, did you?"

He glares at Nick. "I'm a scientist, Stokes, not a child minder." Nick, he's pleased to see, is looking a little frustrated with the tedious game Kaylee insists on playing, so he gives him a smug look that clearly says he warned him.

And then, just when he thought things couldn't get worse, his lab door opens, and Greg walks in, wearing an impossibly bright shirt that even makes Kaylee stop crying for a second.

And if David and thought that was bad, well, then he obviously didn't consider what Greg would do when he saw Archie's niece.

"Are we playing a game?" He says, looking from Nick to the baby. "Cool."

He holds his hand out, and David swears Nick must not be as smart as he seems because even he can see what Greg is about to do, but Nick hands him the bottle anyway, and David sighs.

Because Greg looks at the baby, grins, and drops it on the floor.

Kaylee shrieks with laughter, and if anything, it's worse than the incessant crying, because it spurs Greg on.

And Nick, the moron, rolls his eyes, pick the bottle up off the floor, and hands to the kid, who throws it at Greg's feet.

Greg bends down, scoops it up, and throws it at Nick.


Kaylee's laughing again, probably at Nick's face, because he's staring at Greg in such a way that it even makes David laugh.

He stops laughing; however, the second Greg throws it at his feet. Instead he sighs, kicks it Nick's way, and let's them continue their game.

fiction, rating: g, pairing: none, title: game for three, user: x_sleeptodream

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