
Jun 19, 2009 13:35

Hi guys, newbie here. First time writing in this fandom and for this character (Hodges, I mean), so something short for starters.

Title: I Love this Scene
Author: Ad Absurdum
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: None
Summary: "Your knuckles whiten on the wheel / The last thing that your hands will feel."
Disclaimer: Characters not mine. No profit made.
A/N: Tripple drabble. Text wrapped around The Stone Roses song - Made of Stone. Title and summary also taken form the song. Mentions the events of 8x08 (sort of).

I Love this Scene

David watched through narrowed eyes as the woman's hands gripped the steering wheel. The concrete wall of a diner on the corner was closer and closer.

What was it? Faulty brakes? oil spilled on the road? no lights? She was definitely driving too fast, that's for sure.

The woman had barely time to scream before her car hit the wall, the windshield smashing, metal twisting and trapping her body inside.

David looked around. It was dark and the street was empty. He looked at the car again, but didn't come closer. Not yet. In a moment.

Four... three... two... one. The car exploded and flames burst into the night air. It was almost pretty.

When the glass stopped showering down on the street, David picked his way through pieces of bent metal to the burning wreck. He leant closer and grimaced at the smell of melting plastic. He saw that the flames hadn't done much damage to the woman's body yet. The dark red blood trickling from her mouth nicely matched the pale pink lipstick she wore.

David stepped away, but not too far away. The night was cold, after all. He reached towards the fire to warm up his hands and grinned.

"Hodges." Grissom poked his head into the break room, pulling David from his thoughts. He hoped he wasn't chuckling out loud. "Your shift ended half an hour ago. Pack your game and go home."

David sighed. Then smiling, he picked the small figurines, a matchbox car and folded the board. This last scenario was almost ready. He quite liked it and not only because he really enjoyed plotting his co-workers' demise. Honest.

rating: pg13, fiction, gen

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