Shattered Glass (3/?)

Aug 02, 2007 00:05

Title: Shattered Glass (3/?)
Author: CSI_Nightowl
Pairing: David/Nick
Rating: PG
Warning: slash
Spoilers: None

Summary: Nick says something he regrets but will he be able to fix it or has time run out?

Disclaimer: I don’t own CSI or its characters. If I did there’d be much more Nick, David and Greg screen time. 
A/N: Another short chapter, sorry.  Please read and comment. Comments make me want to write more.

Previous chapters can be found by clicking the title tag.

The first thing David noticed when he woke was his aching body; the second was the hand on his. He slowly opened his eyes. The bright lights, sterile walls and the smell of disinfectant made it obvious he was in the hospital. He looked down and saw a familiar head of hair resting on his thigh.

“Nick.” It was barely a whisper but the head jerked up anyway.

“Oh, thank god you’re awake!”

David gasped as he took in the bruised face and bandage forehead. “What happened? Are you okay?”

Nick laughed nervously. “If you haven’t noticed you are the one in the hospital bed.”

“Yeah, yeah.” David waved impatiently. “Shouldn’t you be too?”

“It’s just a little bump. You know how hard headed I am, it would take more than a steering wheel to damage it.”

“Have you seen yourself? You look as if you’re going to drop any minute.”

“Would you stop worrying about me? You’re the one that flew through the windshield.”

“Windshield?”  We were in an accident?”

“You don’t remember?


“Oh.” Nick wondered what else he’d forgotten. Maybe he wouldn’t even remember the argument. “Yeah, we were.”

David’s brow wrinkled as he tried to recall the crash. “What happened?”

“I had pulled over so we could, um, talk and a car slammed into us.”

“Pulled over? Oh good god, don’t tell me we were making out. Did anybody from the lab see us? Oh god, what about cops? Oh, please not Brass, he’d never let us live it down.”

“Stop Dave. We weren’t making out.” Nick smiled, trying to hold back a laugh.

“So we weren’t naked?”

This time Nick couldn’t help but laugh. “Fully clothed, babe.”

“Good.” David let out a sigh of relief. “Wouldn’t want anybody getting a glimpse of that sexy body, especially Brown.”

“Dave, how many times must I tell you he’s straight?”

David snorted.

“And even if he wasn’t, I’m not interested.” Nick gave David his best ‘don’t be an idiot’ smile.

David frowned. Something was wrong. Yeah, Nick was smiling but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Wanna tell me what’s bothering you?”

“You’re fine; I’m fine, what could be bothering me?”

David closed his eyes. He knew he was lying. He couldn’t say he was that surprised though. Nick had been lying and distancing himself for weeks. They argued so much now David had considered ending it on several occasions. He never did and he probably never would, he loved the man too much. So he hoped and prayed that things would get better but they were only getting worse.

“Why don’t you rest? We can talk later.” Nick gently squeezed his hand. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”

“We were arguing, weren’t we?” David asked without opening his eyes. “That’s why you pulled off the road.”

“It’s not important. You just need to rest now.” Nick’s hope that David wouldn’t remember was slowly fading .

“I can’t do this anymore. It’s over, David.”

David’s eyes shot open at the memory of Nick’s words.

pairing: nick/david, fiction, title: shattered glass, user: csi_niteowl

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