Even Death Makes Mistakes (David/Greg)

May 27, 2007 17:57

Title: Even Death Makes Mistakes (part 1/?)
Part 1: The Veil between the Living and the Dead is most thin after Tragedy.

Author: firebubbles310

Rating: PG-13 for cursing (at least this chapter. The Next chapters this might go up some…)

Warnings/Spoilers: none, just overall depressing though…

Summary: Death affects both the living and the dead differently… and sometimes even Death makes mistakes
A/N: *whistles innocently* No idea where this came from, probably from the whole not sleeping thing and listening to Three Days Grace and Disturbed all night.(neither band is exactly happy-go-lucky music) Enjoy. It might be a smidge cracked out since half of it was written with no sleep after giving blood.
And no I do not own the CSI’s I am a poor, broke college student. Anyone you don’t recognize is mine, but if for any reason you want to use them (not sure why you would *shrugs*) you can. (That and if it sucks tell me and I'll scrap the other parts that I have started.)Enjoy the Story.

The Living:
Where was he when he needed him? Why did the man he loved leave him like that? He was not the strong one, not the self sufficient one. He was the needy, the weak, he needed and wanted his love, his other half. Of course because of this the universe sent him a “Fuck you” sign and took his world away. Greg didn’t know what he was going to do.

The Dead:
He couldn’t be dead; his life couldn’t be snuffed out like a candle so soon after finding a reason to truly live. Death seemed to take perverse pleasure in this, laughing as he ripped his soul from his body just after the gun shot went through his heart. Death also seemed to take pleasure in letting David watch everyone he left behind. In the time before he found his lover, the other half of his soul, as corny as that sounded, he imagined that when he died and saw everyone from the afterlife no one would notice his disappearance. No one would notice that the sarcastic, biting man was no longer among the living. In the time before Greg this didn’t bother him, he just wanted to get through life as quickly as possible, never wanting to really connect, of course the annoying little lab rat turned CSI took that away from him, made him care, made him love and now death hurt more than he could have ever imagined. Being torn from Greg’s side, not being able to comfort him, touch him, do anything to him or for him was the worst thing in the world for David.

Death saw this and smiled. Saw the pain in the blue eyes as David watched Greg hold his lifeless body screaming for help as the blood continued to pour out of the veins pushed by the ever weakening heart. David could only watch in horror as his lover rocked gently back and forth tears spilling from his eyes and soon the younger man was unable to even draw in a real breath because of hysteria.

Being who he was, David could not spare even Death his nasty tirade at things not going his way. Seeing the pain caused David to start screaming.

“What the hell do you think you are doing? Why now? All those times I wanted you to come for me, I wanted the calm and quiet of death. All the times I begged for you, I pleaded, I took the pills or cut the vein,” at that phrase David’s gaze dropped to his arm to look for the scar, the reminder of his pain, it was still visible even as a spirit, the cut had reached his very soul. “YOU NEVER CAME. You suddenly decide I can no longer live now that I am happy. I knew the universe was fucked up, but this, this just takes the cake. Greg,” David choked over his lover’s name, “told me I was paranoid, and told me that the universe did not take pleasure in my pain, but oh was he wrong. As soon as I was happy and no longer wishing for death you swoop in. Is there really anyone else you could take instead, and no don’t you even think of taking Greg in my place, I mean some homeless man that no one would notice. I mean you could actually listen to someone’s wish and take them because they actually want to die, but no, that would take away all the fun. You fates are such sick bastards.”

Death merely smiled. It was a toothy grin more smirk than smile David noted. Now that his tirade was done, David looked at the man who ripped his soul from his body and made him watch his lover cradle his dying body. This man, it was a man, was tall and lacked the cloak and scythe David was actually hoping for, instead was wearing only a slightly out-of-date black suit which somehow matched his black hair and carried a perfectly polished wooden cane topped with a dragon. The green eyes turned to really look at David, the gaze made him shiver, and the pale skin reminded David his own, just less covered with splotches, it was perfectly polished and looked like the man never really saw the sun. After the piercing stare David saw Death open his mouth and speak, and as the words fell from his mouth the scenery changed to that of complete white, no longer could David see Greg.

“I knew that you would be stubborn, this I was warned. You would be my toughest case they said, I didn’t believe them, I mean after all I was on-call for your other attempts, they told me to be ready in case you needed to be taken, but never in my wildest musings did I think you would fight like this. You were so ready to go three times before, so ready to give it all up, I did not believe a man could actually change. Of course I have been wrong before.” The man’s voice David felt in his head, rather than heard with his ears, which made sense since he was no longer earth-bound, but a spirit, the baritone shaking the foundations of his “body” and the slight accent seemed familiar, but not one he could place his finger on. Not that he had fingers to do so anymore. Before David could comment his thought aloud, the man continued. “Yes, as you so nicely put it I am Death, but you may call me Armand, here on the Fates bidding. They actually were not expecting you for some time. You had outgrown your unhappiness and hatred of life, which was their aim sending you to Vegas to find your Other Half, but sometimes even the best laid plans go awry.”

David looked quizzically at Death, searching for a sign he was lying and finding none, he had an inner lie detector after all which drove Greg nuts to no end. This, this was a mistake, once again before David could get a word in Death continued. “You were not fated to die here. The gunman was not supposed to shoot you, the shot was meant for your Other Half. Only the Fates did not realize the depth that your feelings had become for him and did not realize that you would step in, shielding your Other from the pain of the seemingly random shot. I, of course tried to tell them but alas to no avail, once a Fate is decided they can not go back and change the events. They are not time travelers so you ended up in my net instead of the shooter, since the man who shot you got away while your friends waited for your ambulance instead of being caught by you with Greg’s gun. Since this was not Fated, since this was not your true Time of Death, we must find a way to fix this you and I. You will have a choice David Hodges, you may take this mistake as your destiny and simply move on to the other side, or you may find your way back. Be warned though, that the latter path is not easy, after all we can not have souls try and escape to go back to the Land of the Living. Trials will test you and if you do not pass your soul could be lost forever. Should you make it though, you will have your life back and you will be able to hold your Other again.

Awestruck at Death’s words, David realized this was all a mistake. What he could not fathom though was why Fates thought he would not try and save Greg from the gunman, why would he not step in and try and to keep the man from being hurt. He loved him after all. David could not believe the idiocy that was the Fates, almost wishing he could get a chance to give them a piece of his mind for their lack of grey matter. Then the remembered he had a chance to get it all back, reclaim his stolen life, get more time with Greg. He could wait to insult the Fates until his real and permanent death. How could Death even tell him of the first choice when there was no way in hell that he would ever take it, David would move Heaven and Earth if he had to in order to see Greg again. These thoughts slightly shocked David, because before this, he may have loved Greg, but he was unaware how much, unaware of how important the blonde man truly was to him. He did not know they were soul mates, he assumed they were from the way Armand spoke they could be nothing else, this experience at least taught him that.

“Armand, I fail to understand the idiocy of the Fates to believe I would be so selfish and watch my lover get shot, but not only that I also fail to understand the reason you give me two choices when in reality I have none. I could do nothing else but try and go back even if it meant losing my soul. You people are morons I do hope you realize.”

Armand merely smiled a real smile this time not a smirk and answered. “David Hodges, we must give both choices because some would not be so brave to risk their soul, even for their Other, especially knowing they would be together after their Other dies. I would be wary of insulting those who control your fate and who could help you. After all taking The Path, you need all the help you can hope for.”

David snorted, “I was never able to keep my thoughts in my head when I was alive, you expect too much to believe I would change after dying. Furthermore even if I would see Greg after he dies, I couldn’t just sit and wait here, knowing that he would never smile again, never be happy again, I have to go back for him, have to keep the man from doing something incredibly stupid. He would, I know him, he needs someone there to chase away the demons as much I as do. I couldn’t leave him alone to go through that.”

“You are incredibly brave David Hodges and I wish you the best of luck on your journey. For your failed attempts on your life you will face three trials, then and only then will you be able to draw in breath again. Good luck.” With a quick nod and some waving around of the dragon cane the man who pulled his soul and explained so much disappeared and leaving in his wake a long winding path that led into darkness.

End Part I. Comments are appreciated. *cute kitten eyes* This has been on my comp for awhile and I got the courage to finally post it. And if it does suck I am sorry.

user: firebubbles310, fanfic, title: even death makes mistakes, pairing: david/greg, rating: pg-13

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