Drabble: Fleeting and Tremulous (Gen)

Aug 14, 2006 18:34

Title: Fleeting and Tremulous
Author: cinaed
Rating: PG
Summary: David remembers being happy.
Word Count: 159

David remembers being happy, a long time ago.

It had been a time before Los Angeles, before Las Vegas, before the Clark County crime lab. Things had been so much simpler then, when just watching a hamster running on its wheel was enough to amuse him and coax a grin onto his face.

He misses those times.

Each memory is like quicksilver though, fleeting and tremulous, and though David clutches at these memories when they flicker to the forefront of his mind and scatter the darkness that swathes his senses, they always vanish to the recesses of his mind all too soon, and leave him with a heavy ache in his chest.

David remembers being happy. He just wishes he didn't have to remember.

He yearns, in the hopeless silence of his empty apartment and under the weight of bone-aching loneliness, to be able to experience happiness and not be so dependant on these quicksilver memories of joy.

fiction, rating: g, title: fleeting and tremulous, user: cinaed, pairing: none

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