David/Greg. 077. She's All I Ever Had

Jul 29, 2006 18:50

Title: Driving Fun!
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Greg Sanders/David Hodges
Prompt:: 077- “She’s All I Ever Had”
Word Count: about 1,000
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: no spoilers or anything offensive, that is unless you don’t like Ricky Martin…
Summary: David and Greg are on a drive and Greg turns on the radio.

This is just gonna be a little cracked out, after all the prompt is a Ricky Martin song, so it seems fitting. *hides from Ricky’s angry fan-girls* It was supposed to be funny, but with my luck, and the fact I haven’t slept in awhile this probably makes no sense whatsoever…
cross-posted to dhodges, csi_slash, csi_lab_rats and 100songs

David hated driving in Las Vegas. He hated the traffic jams that seemed to stretch out for days. Cars moving only inches every few hours. He really failed to understand why anyone would willingly put themselves through such torture as a tourist. Maybe it was all just a part of the “Vegas” experience or some other crap to them. Normally he would avoid the traffic by not going out, but he and Greg had a date. A date, that was still a strange word to associate with Greg Sanders, the word boyfriend was still strange in his mind. They had decided to go out for dinner since they both magically had the night off, Greg made the reservations, so David had to drive. He liked that they were boyfriends more than Greg’s idea they could be “sex buddies,” when David said the word boyfriend was strange.

David looked at his boyfriend/sex buddy in the passenger, they weren’t moving, so they were in no danger crashing if he took his eyes off the road. The man looked amazing, he was all smiles and dazing off into space. David loved being able to watch Greg like this, the younger man always had such youthful expressions on his face. By looking at him one could not tell he had actually passed the thirty mark, hell by watching his actions sometimes you could barely tell he passed the teenage mark. He was still amazed that he had this wonderful lloking man all to himself. Currently, Greg looked like he was playing air drums to a beat no one but the CSI could hear. That was something David admired about Greg, he loved music just as much as David did. When they first started dating Greg surprised him by actually listening to music outside his “metal” genre, and actually had decent taste (sometimes, though Greg would never know he thought that.)

“David, you mind if I play some music?” Greg asks and David still watching him just nods, he hadn’t really heard the question, if he had he never would have trusted the other man to find music. Even though they are dating, David still refuses to acknowledge what Greg listens to much of the time as music. Greg may have his moments, but he still is far too likely to choose Manson over the Beethoven. Greg fiddles around with the dials on the radio, looking for a suitable station. When he tries to put it on his normal metal station he glances over at David, realizing that he wouldn’t appreciate being blasted out of his car, Greg continued searching for some decent music. About to give up he found a song he liked.

A familiar tune started to invade David’s ears, though he couldn’t quite place it with only the introduction playing. The title was on the tip of his tongue when the words started and Greg started with them he realized what the song was.

Here I am. Broken wings, quiet thoughts, unspoken dreams.
Here I am. Alone again and I need her now to hold my hand.

With those annoying words he realized what song this was. He tried glaring at Greg, hoping the man would stop singing the song and change the station. Just his luck, once they started going out the “Hodges death glare” ceased to affect Greg. Just great. He just continued belting out lyrics at the top of his lungs.

She's all, she's all I ever had.
She's the air I breathe.
She's all, she's all I ever had

Greg seemed to really be getting into it, trying to dance while still sitting down. Of course this makes David smirk, he looked ridiculous. It ceased to be amusing when Greg turned sideways in his seat and began singing the song to David.

It's the way she makes me feel.
It's the only thing that's real.
It's the way she understands.
She's my lover, she's my friend.
And when I look into her eyes it's the way I feel inside.
Like the man I want to be.
She's all I ever need.

“What do you think you are doing Sanders?” David asked hoping if the man answered he would stop singing. To his dismay Greg did no such thing, he merely continued singing along with Ricky Martin in a rather nice singing voice David had to admit. He never realized Greg could sing.

So much time, soo much pain (but) there's one thing that still remains.
(It's the) The way she cared the love we shared.
And through it all she's always been there.

She's all, she's all I ever had in a world so cold, so empty.
She's all, she's all I ever had.

David almost began blushing with the stare he was receiving from the man next to him. Greg looked at David like he was the entire world and David couldn’t help but see the feelings of love and happiness on his boyfriend’s face. It was almost worth the humiliation of allowing everyone in the cars around them to see his boyfriend serenade him to a cheesy song, almost, but not quite.

It's the way she makes me feel.
It's the only thing that's real.
It's the way she understands.
She's my lover, she's my friend.
And when I look into her eyes it's the way I feel inside.
Like the man I want to be. She's all I ever need.

At the end of the song David stares at Greg fish faced, shocked the man was willing to humiliate himself in front of all that traffic. Greg took advantage of this by leaning over and kissing David passionately.

“I want you to know I meant every word.” He says with a grin after he pulls away from David and sits himself facing forward in the passenger seat once again.

“I hope you are not implying I am a girl Sanders.” David answers back unsure of how to react in such a sappy moment. Really David never did sappy and romantic, he hoped Greg understands.

“Believe me Hodges I know you are no girl.” Greg answers and raises his eyebrow trying to smirk. David rolls his eyes and continues driving. Glad that the romantic moment has passed, even though it is nice to know Greg cares so much (he’d never admit this out loud, that would be too out of character for him.) Maybe driving in Las Vegas isn’t so bad since he has his own Ricky Martin to amuse and kiss him during the delay. “But your screams last night did sort of sound girly.” Greg adds with an impish grin.

David grips the steering wheel in front of him, his knuckles turning white from the pressure. Once again David curses the fact his glares ceased to work on Greg and did his best to continue driving and not plot his boyfriend’s death, after all he loved him, again doubtful he’d admit it aloud, but still. He decided that Ricky Martin boyfriend or not, driving in Las Vegas was not fun at all.

fiction, user: firebubbles310, title: driving fun, pairing: greg/hodges, rating: pg-13

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