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Comments 28

firebubbles310 July 26 2006, 21:38:12 UTC
0_0 *faints*
so worth waiting the two months to read this! so good! both your grissom and david were so perfect. you did gil so well!
i loved how david saw life as chess, very apt for him. and beginning and ending with the blowjobs for each supervisor beautiful. *claps for cin's genius*


cinaed July 26 2006, 22:07:18 UTC
*laughs* Why thank you, Bubbles. So glad you enjoyed it. *grins* And I really enjoyed making David analytical and uses chess to distance himself from people. I'm glad you liked my Gil, because he was a bitch to write. *glares at him*


firebubbles310 July 28 2006, 01:16:55 UTC
looking at your fic you made it seem easy to write him... *grins* and you know that glare won't work on grissom, he is immune.


shadowhuntress July 26 2006, 21:40:47 UTC
Masterful. I love the references to chess. I'm glad David just went for it because look at the reward. And I have nothing else constructive to add. You've made more than a bit incoherent. So, just wow.


cinaed July 26 2006, 22:08:34 UTC
*loves chess, even though barely anyone I know plays it* So glad you enjoyed it. ^_^ And yay for happy endings. *pats David and Grissom*


csi_niteowl July 26 2006, 22:34:22 UTC
When I first saw this I thought David and Ecklie? David and Grissom? ICK!

I decided to read it anyway cause,well, it was written by you and I always love your stuff. I wasn't disappointed either. The story was great and not at all icky. Well, what David had to do to get the job was icky. Poor David, he always suffers at the hands of fanfic writers, including me. *smiles evilly*



cinaed July 26 2006, 22:43:44 UTC
I know, poor David. That was icky. *pokes Ecklie for being evil* And yes, David probably hates us all immensely, doesn't he? ^_~ Can't say I blame him, lol. Glad you liked it, and thanks for reading!


ktkm July 26 2006, 22:41:09 UTC
Wonderful! Characters are so... right.

Makes me want to see more of this unexpected pairing.


cinaed July 26 2006, 22:45:08 UTC
Grissom/Hodges is my guilty pleasure. ^^;; So glad you enjoyed it! And there should be more Grissom/Hodges out there. *nods*


kahlualeia July 26 2006, 23:14:35 UTC
I love how you sandwhiched the two emotions (desperation and exhilaration). And Ecklie? Definetly deserves a smack around. And to be sacked. Bastard! Taking advantage of Hodges at his lowest! ::grumble::

We do the cruelest things to our favorite characters, dont we?

Your inovative take on David's attitude towards the beginning of his career at the LV Crime Lab made for a very interesting read. Thanks for sharing this-- I absolutely loved it.

And your Grissom? Spot on. I'm terrified of writing Grissom-- you are definetely brave for doing it.



cinaed July 26 2006, 23:27:41 UTC
I know, if David existed in real life he'd kill me. ^^;; And Ecklie was oh-so-evil in this, wasn't he? *pats poor Hodges*

Grissom is a bitch to write. It was so difficult to write him, and the entire time I was paranoid that I was making him OC, so it's wonderful to hear people say he was spot on.

But yes, I had a bit too much fun with David cataloging everyone as various pieces on a chessboard. So glad you enjoyed it. ^_^


kahlualeia July 27 2006, 01:35:31 UTC
But yes, I had a bit too much fun with David cataloging everyone as various pieces on a chessboard. So glad you enjoyed it. ^_^

Objects representing characters? I've done it before too. And it is fun ^_^

I wrote this fic a while back about wallets. I kid you not. A whole fic about what kind of wallet all of our favorite CSI's + Hodges would have and what those wallets say about each person.

Really, I think we just watch way too much CSI. We're so attuned to these characters we see them in everyday objects. Obsessed and proud, that's us!



cinaed July 27 2006, 01:53:33 UTC
*laughs* That's awesome. *doesn't have a wallet, has a miniature backpack where I throw all my important stuff* But that sounds so amusing and interesting. That fic's on your journal?

*giggles* There are worse things to be obsessed with, I suppose. But yes, we need to make "Obsessed and Proud" banners. It'd be fun. (Only don't let me use glitter, because, uh, me + glitter = total mess.)


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