Random Musings After a Long Hiatus

Jan 11, 2009 23:30

You come to a point in your life where you make the realization that you are not the main character in the story that is unfolding. I think I've held center stage at a few points in my life, and that certainly informs me as to the difference to me about being in the foreground or the background. When you are not a main character, your successes, failures, happiness and sadness are of little consequence to the main plot. If you're lucky, perhaps your experience becomes an anecdotal reminder to the hero or heroine about life and love. Fate does not care if your story has a happy ending, in fact, your part might very well be to play a sideshow tragedy or farce, to somehow accentuate the drama onstage or to provide a foil to the central plot. Your thread is but one of a tapestry holding the background up, lending the main action depth and credibility. Perhaps under such circumstances all we can hope for is that the story is somehow an Elizabethan Comedy, where the sideshow characters are married off in some convenient resolution of plots, providing a happy ending, not just for the main characters, but for the entire cast.

When we are young and idealistic and full of so called "potential", the entire world is the canvas, and our lives are the center stage. Every action we take, every moment in our lives contributes to this notion of "living to our potential." The stage is empty, the audience watches every character that comes upon the stage with an equal vigilance. As the story moves forward however, it becomes clear to the audience (if not the poor characters) who the main focus of the story is. Potential turns into actuality, and our roles in the story become set.

Hmm, that came off a bit more moody than I intended. Just watched some good anime, and while cathartic, certainly left me with a twinge of melancholy.

I posted this on Facebook but thats like telling people at a family party what you really think...in other words...wrong place to express yourself. Hahaha, so after over half a year, I return to LiveJournal. LOL.
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