VENKMAN (shrugs) I guess they don't build them like they used to, huh? STANTZ No! Nobody ever built them like this! The architect was either an authentic whacko or a certified genius. The whole building is like a huge antenna for pulling in and concentrating psychokinetic energy.
Thank you for the rec. I did follow your link back and was surfing Morrison Monday AM. It isn't that I wasn't sure he wouldn't be good; I'd want to know what I was getting into because he is that good.
I'm trying to track down the third volume of New X-Men.
Neat, and thanks for the reminder. (no spoilers) I don't review but if you post on it I will write back. Last night I reread 3 & 4. I have the whole set here and am hoping fo a third pass before they are due back on the 18th.
Are you into the art at all? I _really_ like Quitely. And on the like note.. Mike Carey's Lucifer? Have you read it?
You are lucky in where you live about that. I am not a very good judge except about what I like but one of my uncles is at the JSpeed in Louisville, and he mentioned that your art museum is world class.
Here we got.. well, I am sure it is all very fine; I just never had the right eye for most of it.
I on the other hand might lack the necessary eye to appreciate Quitely. I can't really tell the difference yet between his work and John Cassaday's on Gifted. What really stands out for me in 21st Century comics, what is so noticibly different from the comics of my childhood, is the inking and the coloring, so that's what I tend to focus on at the expense of the artist.
I will add Lucifer to the list. I'm working my way through about eighteen different series right now (though since I've knocked off most of Alan Moore's ABC line and all of his Swamp Thing, some space has opened up -- or would have if I didn't have two and a half gigabytes of Grant Morrison intruding
( ... )
STANTZ No! Nobody ever built them like this! The architect was either an authentic whacko or a certified genius. The whole building is like a huge antenna for pulling in and concentrating psychokinetic energy.
Do you think I would like Doom Patrol?
I think you'd like Doom Patrol. It plays with a lot of art history and philosophy (as well as anagrams and acrostics).
Following your example, I'm trying to track down the third volume of New X-Men.
I'm trying to track down the third volume of New X-Men.
Neat, and thanks for the reminder. (no spoilers) I don't review but if you post on it I will write back. Last night I reread 3 & 4. I have the whole set here and am hoping fo a third pass before they are due back on the 18th.
Are you into the art at all? I _really_ like Quitely. And on the like note.. Mike Carey's Lucifer? Have you read it?
You are lucky in where you live about that. I am not a very good judge except about what I like but one of my uncles is at the JSpeed in Louisville, and he mentioned that your art museum is world class.
Here we got.. well, I am sure it is all very fine; I just never had the right eye for most of it.
I will add Lucifer to the list. I'm working my way through about eighteen different series right now (though since I've knocked off most of Alan Moore's ABC line and all of his Swamp Thing, some space has opened up -- or would have if I didn't have two and a half gigabytes of Grant Morrison intruding ( ... )
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