I'm not sure how I got to this link . . . I think shiver's friends' list was involved, and there may have been Harry Potter fan art. It's all a bit of a blur. In any case, I'm denying everything. For the record, I rent at Blockbuster, where they don't carry these sorts of films, which sound pretty tawdry and unappetizing anyway, and where they don't carry a lot of more appealing films either, such as the Cary Grant/Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.
Gunga Din. But without further disclaimer, I present
True Porn Clerk Stories.
There are some interesting questions about the applicability of the Americans with Disabilities Act here. So, if parsing the intricacies of statutory law is what you're interested in, click away. Meanwhile, I really have to figure out how to set up a filter so that Graffiti doesn't see this.