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Oooh, opportunity for ranking anonymous July 7 2003, 04:35:01 UTC
I like ranking- because it's pointless and unnecessary.

Azkaban is undoubtedly the best in the series, because as well as having all the aspects you mention above- it has a tautness that neither of the following books caputre, and a darkness that neither of the previous books introduce. It's where the moral ambiguity starts- I think I see Azkaban as 'Lie To Me', or even 'Innocence'.

Phoenix is troubling and surprising, and snapped me out of my patronsing grumbling about Rowling on the back of the badly directed movies and the brick-sized Goblet of Fire, despite the fact that the third quarter dragged.

Stone is actually ver 'Welcome to the Hellmouth' like in that it's beautifully executed- somewhat sideways on at the initiation to the supernatural, and feels silly and nostlagic when you go back and read it after longer, darker, more sinuous and stretchy books.

Goblet is too long, has several unnecessary plot-lines, has an introduction to a wonderful character who turns out to be not him, so that I feel cheated, (Moody's 'CONSTANT ( ... )


Re: Oooh, opportunity for ranking dherblay July 7 2003, 06:13:41 UTC
I suspect my Ginny/Harry ship runs in direct opposition to your Harry/Luna ship, so I won't mention it.
Based on Phoenix, I suspect that any possible 'ship involving Ginny will become canonical. Ginny/Harry, Ginny/Neville, Ginny/Snape, Ginny/Peeves -- she gets around.

When are you going to get yourself an LJ? Even if it is just for the icons.


Ummm anonymous July 7 2003, 07:32:00 UTC
I don't know how I'd go about it- and I don't know anything about icons- but apart from that it sounds an excellent idea!

Can I choose icons, or do I have to be either artistic or computer skilled? Cos either of the latter rules me out.

And our livejournals free?



Re: Ummm masqthephlsphr July 7 2003, 09:48:47 UTC
There are both free and pay versions of LJ. In order to get the free version, you need an existing LJ member to give you a secret code. I have many available, if you like.

: )


Dude! dherblay July 7 2003, 11:18:26 UTC
Are you trying to swoop in on my siring?


You're not a paid member, are you? masqthephlsphr July 7 2003, 11:33:49 UTC
I probably have more memberships to give out than you do. ; )

But go ahead. Beat me to it.


Re: You're not a paid member, are you? dherblay July 7 2003, 11:49:19 UTC
See, that's it exactly! I get just one (for the moment -- I'm definitely feeling icon-deprived), so I want to make it count! I don't want to use it in a way I'll regret later (like Rah), so TCH is my best shot at achieving immortality.


Rah gave out a membership she regretted? masqthephlsphr July 7 2003, 12:06:38 UTC
So who was it????


Re: Ummm dherblay July 7 2003, 17:05:56 UTC
I sent you a code, but I sent it to your university address (all I had in Outlook). If you do not have access to this but you do have access to another email address, let me know and I'll send it there. But be quick about it -- I just caught Rob lurking about Masq's journal, and Ded can't be too far behind. (Actually, when it comes to computer issues, word is that Ded can be very far behind.)


That's super atpotch July 8 2003, 04:52:33 UTC
I am currently 'clean and simple'-ing my journal. I like it, it's no nonsense. Congratulations on your siring. And my name is atpotch- tchaikovsky and tch were taken.


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