Shooting for the White House

Mar 05, 2004 22:43

I lost a filling today. Wahhh!!! So tomorrow, I have to not only say goodbye to rahael, but say hello to the dentist.

From the first political preference quiz disguised as a first-person shooter:

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dental hygiene, rahael, caribou, coffee, libertarianism, politics, interactive fiction, games

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anonymous March 6 2004, 10:28:20 UTC
Sorry about the punctuation. I'll try to be better in the future. Jane Fonda used to visit one of the leftists in Ludlow--that really narrows it down I know. Someone who lived on Ashwood or further over. I never actually saw her, but I'd usually hear afterwards when she had been in town.

About the suv. It does get 23 miles to the gallon. I wish it were more. And besides, you thought it made sense in the snow. And besides it's all God's fault. If she had gotten me a church in San Francisco, I'da bought an Insight or a Prius. Or one of those cute little one person cars that you see in Berkeley. I'm sure the ABS has saved my skin a couple of times.

I am avoiding writing my sermon. Trying to figure out how much I'm gonna say about gay marriage.I mean I'll say a few things but it's a Sunday when the kids are in church for the sermon and I don't want to get too graphic. I am going to have a time after the service for the congregation to ask me questions. And you decided not to visit me this weekend. You may miss the spectacle of your mom being ridden out of town on a rail. (Or did they do that only in the south)

I forgot to mention in the previous post that all of your relatives that aren't in Utah being Mormons are in the south being conservative Republicans. Not just on my side!! And I never inflicted that many family reunions on you. Just the annual visit. Well, I thought going to visit grandparents on the farm would be fun. Didn't realize it would be responsible for your current state.

Sorry about your tooth. I suppose you want to blame your teeth on me, too.


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