so i think im gonna update more
first of all i want you to hear the music im listening too....
secondly.... its great...
ive been eating alot and feel fatier i dont think its helps that spencer is a superficial little bitch and makes me feel fatter by touch my belly and saying are u prego!( your gonna hate spencer more in the next para)...also due to lack of action/hanky panky ive been sorta feel lame everyone has someone.. and im only jerking off... and i also feel very self concious with my body...i know if i ever hook up with someone again its gonna be hard to get me naked... liek i really want to go swimming here but feel odd..especially cause it would be with spencer and he makes me feel shitty physically ( gos prior to this trip i was fucked what guys opinions can do) i have really poor self image now.... so yeah and it doesnt help that everyone here has the most perfect bodies.... and ive been eating way too much here and have significantly gained weight
there was a gross giant ant in my room today and it makes me feel dirty im conviced its cause i bought a great big nigger steak ( look im becoming terrible thanks to spencer fucker!...watermelon) this rascism is pretty potent within spencer.. i think its cause he's from a small town in kansas but hell thats no excuse... he tells me about how segregated they are down int he states... and i belive it i think its so unfortunate... he drops his jaw when he sees women of color with white men. let alone people of any other race than his.. its pretty bad.. liek dont get me wrong i joke which isnt good at all and im not promoting my behaviour in the least... but jeez will be crusin and hel be like look at the chinaman... or be liek yo nigger to me and stuff and its not directed at me because im colored.. well i hope nto atleast.. but he says nigger alot its like Sean(whom i love dearly) drunk ten fold.... this is all weird comming from a kid who wears eyeliner in the winter and is a emo bitchstick... apperntly "nigger" is used rather often down there... spencer was rather shocked at the lack of its use here... etate unis u dispoint me.. especially u fuckers down south... kansas mississipi georgia and lousiana im lookin at u folk.... people say there liberal openminded and what not but yet they still have these judgments/actions , understand one thing i say all this crazy shit but i dont mean it.. but they do its fucked.
the showers he are communal but awasome pressure etc... ahhaha
im crazy tired
i havent been sleeping well lots of nightmares/dreams which require me to take sleeping pills
iwas suppose to see Live and Wilco tonight but instead i dtiched mes amis... cause i was groggy but i ended up hanging out with jerome the guy i met from france,he's super dope...older..cute in a gino way. but were friends...anyways. he's doing his post doctorate here as a cancere researcher... he' a superstar.... anyways we certainly have difficulties communicating seeing as how he barley speaks english and i can sorta speak broken french but we make due.... we went and played pool which sucked balls at.. and then he ate.... he was quite the gentlemen whcih im stoked on cause we all know how most guys can be....
i have awfull blisters still and im forced to wear filthy withered flip flops...
so ash and kev bummed into graeme... damn i hate it but i cant help but miss him.. ash said somthing too me which made me feel good. she said somthing along the lines of.. seeing as how time has passed, ive grown a lot and im healthier... im in a better state to talk with him and our friendship may workout..i really do hope so
i miss u guys so much too.. i cant wait till ya'll visit....
i spoek to kriss tonight as well i miss him dearly... i was like... miss u and he was like i guess i miss u too stupidhead ahh typical krissy.. he is great i love him tons... best new really happy to have met him..seeing as how were. dont worry i still love you!... he totally wasnt stoked on me hanging avec jerome... ahhh boyfriends by default are hilarious worried about him cause he had a relapse... being away from my friends makes me feel helpless especially when therre in need or bummed or whatever... i miss hugs.... and spencers sucks cause he doesnt like being touched... but him and i watched a movie on my bed in close contact and i think he rubbed my arm and neck.. that was a ways ago i think im trippin....
hubert cumberdale you taste like soot and poo..... lets revive salad fingers!