Yeah! the trailer for TIm Burton's Alice in Wonderland is out and the movie looks amazing! I cannot wait to see it. I tried to put a link to it below, youtube has disabled my ability to post it straight here, so I hope it works.
In other news, I just finished summer school, Intermediate Algebra with an A and Political Science 102 with a B. I'm really excited that I was able to do well in these classes during the summer, it was very difficult cramming everything in only six weeks. I should only have a few more classes to go before I get my AA, as long as I can afford to go back this fall. It just might come down to either having my birthday party or going to school, which sucks but I would rather go to school. Everyone will understand.
I'm considering getting the tech job at Walmart like Spencer says I should. It would be a slight pay cut but at least I would be getting experience in a field where I would have room to grow rather than at Denny's serving which will always be stagnant. The only thing that I am worried about is that once I get a job over there it is going to be difficult to get them to work around my school schedule. I guess I could always apply and ask if I get an interview.
Now that school is over I am going back to eating healthy again and I am going to try to go back to the gym at least five days a week. I've been taking really bad care of myself since I've been busy, but could you blame me?
Anyways, if you can't see the trailer it is available on