100 ways continues..

Jul 11, 2009 14:05

59. digg, stumble, bookmark this post and get 9,639 karma points
60. model successful people
61. replace your bathroom reader with self help books
62. take two weeks off, stay home and work on your money maker plans
63. repeat your affirmations in you head until you fall asleep at night
64. choose financial abundance, stop believing that money is a dirty word
65. compete with yourself not others
66. smile and make people laugh
67. make and carry your personal business cards
68. be polite, but don't be afraid to express yourself either
69. don't waste time on stupid crap
70. watch what people do, not what they say they do
71. help someone out
72. think "how do I increase my income by $10,000" not how do I cut expenses
73. be nice to yourself
74. get rid of stinkin thinkin
75. enjoy the journey
76. network with people you feel comfortable with
77. don't use your kids as an excuse
78. learn to forgive
79. try immersion learning
80. find a mentor or coach, don't let lack of money be your excuse
81. stop looking for shortcuts. steady wins the race
82. share your success with others
83. don't hang around with negative people
84. buy wrinkle free dress pants
85. write in a journal
86. don't underestimate the fear of success
87. be decisive
88. meditate
89. convert your car into a personal development university
90. hire someone to mow the lawn, work on your dreams
91. sleep when your dead
92. use law of attraction
93. send gifts to people
94. ask for what you want
95. work on your communication skills
96. have patience
97. seek answers within
98. give referrals, ask for referrals
99.don't believe in your excusses
100. don't complain. put the violin away. nobody wants to hear it.

i have to admit that i disagree with some of these, but most are very useful and those that I highlighted are especially true for me.
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