neglected is an update

Jun 03, 2008 19:07

Marlette and I had some time off together this weekend. We worked on the house. There is still a lot to be done, but we accomplished a lot. Jeff came over and got the stuff in for the closets...which we had a fun time with...closets and coming out of them and into them seemed quite an appropriate conversation considering. I'm proud of her. Very very proud. To cap off our time together this week I took her our to a swanky place to eat and got a nice hotel room. We managed to spend five days together without a problem, in fact, its been months without a problem. I suppose part of our dichotomy is that no apologies lifestyle I have has pushed her a little to stand up strong. Her backbone is coming in nicely. I'm just so fucking tired of people walking all over her and some of the people in her life are so wishy washy. It's annoying. Then there are friends who have been there for her for forever and always will be and get her and just let her be. Without taking too much. Caring as much as she does. I heart them. I wish there was more of that positive friendship stuff in her life. I suppose I'm a bit protective, but people take advantage of her too much and she knows it. However, she is starting to put her foot down. I know she has been able to polish off some of my sharp edge too. It is indeed a balance.

My courses are coming along well. Admittadley, ethics needs a little work (so maybe being in many philosophy courses over the years makes me a tad reluctant to read Aristotle, Plato, Hobbes, JSM, etc. for the millionth time) but all A's is still possible despite the issues from last week. I was surprised about my grades from last semester. Actually, I knew I was doing quite well in Hebrew II...but passing Hindu with flying colors was the shock. It was the paper that leveled off my grade so well. Academic writing is easy. Its here, in my LJ that is the frustrating part. Where I can say whatever and spell however and commit grammatical fouls all I want....where I am free that is weird. I don't generally write it out, I say it out loud. I suppose that's the leader qualities that always shine through in me. I'm "bonafied". ;)

Okay. Time to go wait for M as I read my humanities homework and prepare for an intellectual battle with the ill informed and undereducated bible thumpers. I'll try real hard not to make any of the girls cry this time around. That's not my intention. However, if you are going to use certain books as a weapon its wise to know the ins and outs of the book. Translations. Historical references. Geography. Custom. Tradition. Don't go repeating some bs your evangelical hypocritical pastor told you when you have no idea which way is up. There is so much that is important when creating a observations, via an analogy...some of the people think they are doctors when really, they haven't finished med school. How they get off thinking they can operate without all of the knowledge they need to do it without damage is beyond me. I suppose though, that's part of the battle of sharing the western world with complete nimrods who don't know how to do research and think on their own two feet. I have nothing against faith, or religion. In fact, being an ordained member of clergy myself makes me aware of things...however...I just get tired of the ignorance sometimes. Enough of this. Time to focus.
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