
Oct 14, 2006 23:46

Spring '07 lineup:

Philosophy of embodiment: MIND/BODY/SELF

Still on the lookout for the course I would exchange any of the course I have thus far for- Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad. I decided to do all the required parts of my major first so I won't be stuck in my senior year with, "oh shit I need _________ to graduate and its not offered this semester"...not that I've had a problem getting what I need when I need it, but I learned a lot from my community college days and I refuse to let myself repeat the same mistakes. I also need to decide if I want to re-take French, clep, or just learn Spanish. I have been picking up some stuff from the Spanish speaking folks at work, and it does not seem too complicated, its just prob not as fun nor as sexy as French. Its my education, I am going to enjoy it. :)

HHN was okay. I was not impressed with anything other than Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure Show. Totally worth the trip. It almost made the stupid screaming bitches who were scared of a chainless chainsaw not as fucking annoying...ALMOST...I think they actually gave Mel the headache she wound up having. Dumb bitches. Then we were trying to get some down time while grubbing and another group of screamy bitches wound up right next to us. Mel explained to me later one of them had run earlier from some sort of something and lost a flip flop and tried to keep going back to get it but got scared off each time. Wish I would have known that earlier, I would have offered to get the stupid girl her damn flip flop back so she would stop screaming in our ears. God damn fucking straight girls. Soooo annoying.

Today K and A came by. I worked on my mid-term in between movies and what not. I still have a lot to do - but I am cutting away a little at the time. I finally understood halfway through Hare what the point was to the whole thing. Wonder if we'll talk about that when its said and done.

Anyway, tomorrow is Gay Pride Parade. Going to go be with my people, spend some time with my lady, and do whatever I want. I think the extra day away from work this week was good. I have three days off in a row next week too. I have yet to take a vacation - so this is my mini vacation so I can get ready for the stupid holidays. The holidays themselves are not stupid, but working retail makes me sort of hate Christmas in a way I never did prior to this job.
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