Application for Juliet Burke

Sep 12, 2010 00:24

Pseudonym: Brittany
Age: 25
Time Zone: U.S. Central UTC -6
AIM: dharmalafleur
RPG experience: I was in this game for a while :D And I've been in another RP game now for two years. Prior to that, I've been RPing via AIM since I was...14? That sounds right.
Your Fandoms: LOST, Battlestar Galactica, Modern Family, Cougar Town, Mad Men, Parenthood, 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation, Community, Desperate Housewives, Brothers & Sisters.
How did you find the game: Like I mentioned, I used to be a part of it, and after a little break, I'd like to come back.
Who Do You Respect?: Aretha!

Name: Juliet Burke
Fandom: LOST
Birthdate: April 23, 1970
Age: 36
Physical Appearance: Juliet has blond hair that falls down to about mid-back. She's very fair skinned and comes in at about 5'9, 132.
Any Noteable Physical Characteristics: (i.e. scars, weird colored eyes) Her eyes are insanely blue. She also has a brand on her lower back in a sort of star burst pattern.
Education: Juliet graduated from Florida State University with a medical degree specializing in obstetrics and fertility. She was top of her class and highly sought after soon after school.
Occupation: Pre-Island, Juliet accepted a job at the Miami Central University Medical Research Laboratory. She accepted a job in 2004 to work for 'Mittelos Bioscience' which was really a malicious lie to get her to join the Others on the Island. Her job was to research, understand, and reverse the infertility problems there. After time traveling and being stuck in the 70s, she took a DHARMA Initiative aptitude test and was given the job of mechanic.
Sexual Orientation/Preference: Straight
Significant Other: Canonly, her literal soul mate is James Ford, and I am bringing her in during the time when they were both in the 70s together. However, it will be just prior to she and James deciding they're doing more than just playing house.
History: Juliet Carlson married Edmund Burke just out of med school. She was young and naive, bypassing her family's advice and settling down to work side by side with him. She hadn't thought that she'd find anyone to love after her parents divorced when she was eight years old.

It turns out, Edmund was not that man. He married her in order to get first stab at any fertility drug she might produce, and as the owner of a pharmaceutical company, he could write himself into the contracts. The relationship ended when he stopped caring about hiding the multiple women he was sleeping with and Juliet filed for divorce. In the interim, she developed a fertility drug that would start reversing the ravaging effects of chemotherapy on the reproductive system. She used her own sister, Rachel, as a guinea pig, and eventually she became pregnant. Soon after, Juliet accepted what she thought would be a six month rotation at a research facility 'just outside of Portland'. When she was told it was actually an island, she still took off on the journey and was told her assignment was to uncover why pregnant women continued to die in their second trimesters. After six months was up, she was never allowed to leave under threat of her sister's death.

When Oceanic Flight 815 crash landed on that same island, Juliet saw her opportunity to leave the Others and join the survivor's camp. When rescue was almost certain, she helped shuttle people off of the island, while a group of survivors (including James 'Sawyer' Ford) left on a helicopter. Before Juliet could get off of the island, the rescue freighter exploded, and James (who had jumped out of the helicopter) washed up on the beach. The two of them then started moving through time with the island, and they agreed to have each other's backs, eventually landing in 1974 and lying to become a part of the DHARMA Initiative. She purposefully threw off her placement test in order to become a mechanic and currently lives with James.

Personality in Seven Words or Less: Quietly observing, better at following, slightly broken.

How others Perceive Your Character: Juliet is seen as someone who fades into the background. Everyone underestimates how strong she is and what she's capable of until she's shooting someone in the chest. In the same breath though, once people find that out, they think that because she doesn't need to fill silences that she's cold and calculating. Only a handful of people have ever really cared to get to know her, and then those people know that she's keeping herself from being too vulnerable.

How and why did your character arrive in AV? (i.e. willingly, death, random appearance?) Random appearance. There will be what Juliet thinks is a flash on the island and suddenly find herself in AV.

Twenty-Questions for the Characters:
(In your character's voice)

1. What turns you on: Small gestures of affection rather than large ones.
2. What turns you off: Trying to buy someone's love.
3. Would you ever see a shrink: Yes.
4. Worst Childhood experience: My father leaving when I was eight.
5. [Complete the sentence] ... All the world's a stage...and I'll be behind the curtain.
6. Favorite Song: 'Downtown'
7. Favorite Word: Copacetic
8. Least Favorite Word: Never
9. Favorite Curse Word: Son of a bitch (it's grown on me...)
10. What's something that bothers you about girls? We seem to let ourselves get jealous fairly easily, don't we?
11. Sound or Noise they hate: The sound of the smoke monster.
12. Sound or Noise they love: James when it's his turn to read out loud.
13. Is there something you will never forget? I'll never forget the last time I ever saw my sister.
14. Have you ever had feelings for someone you didn't expect to? Yes.
15. What do you do when you're upset? I like to be alone. I have to be alone.
16. Do you get jealous easily? I don't think so.
17. Half full or half empty: What the hell, half full.
18. Do you talk about your feelings or hide them? I hide them.
19. Is there a difference between love and being in love? Yes.
20. And, finally, if Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "I'm letting you go back to be with your sister."

→writing samples
Sample Journal Entry: One Two and Three. (Included three because the first one was shorter.)
Sample RPG: A completed thread in another community.

Links to previous threads from other games as this character Is that covered above? I hope so :)

Anything Non-Canon that's Going Down with your character: Nope!


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