Apr 20, 2007 18:58
well, it's almost here. my college graduation. however, i have a SHIT TON of stuff to do between now and tuesday. then, smooth sailing through the last week of class and finals. my REAL finals week will be tonight through tuesday night, as i have ten lab reports due tuesday, as well as a twenty minute presentation on something to do with neutrons....absorbing...something? meh, i'll throw it together sunday or monday.
i'm not worried about school at all, actually. it's money. the ever present evil that i don't want but somehow signed myself into needing. i owe insurance and car payments (totals 350 dollars) every month, so i can't really take much time off...i suppose if all else fails, the first week in may i'll go to colton's and subway to grab apps. surely SOMEONE wants a college grad. i just feel sick not having job security. what's wrong with me? i'm such a free spirit. however, no one offers jobs "company seeks free spirit who loves people and is willing to do, eh, just about anything." i'll even do labor! c'mon!
if only there were a record store or something like that around here that did well.
so here it is, a long anticipatory count down list. it's condensed, as i still have a lot to do.
1. seven lab reports (and help my partner revise three more).
2. six field studies (sittin' in the woods! not work!)
3. maybe identify s'more trees....report on my trees.
4. two ecology lab reports.
5. twenty minute instrumental analysis presentation.
6. biodiversity final
7. physics final.
8. ecology final.
9. instrumental analysis final (the biggest hurdle...)
the end is in sight. barely, but it's there.
also, my summer to-do list. to be revised soonish:
1. read. a lot.
2. find a place to work. anywhere.
3. find a place to live (not as worried about this...i can always live in camping areas).
4. acquire a pet. i will have a cat/dog or i will live outside with them. i need an animal companion.
5. take the gre.
6. camp. every weekend/day possible. be outside. everything like that.
7. learn to cook yummy vegetarian fare.
8. sew anna (a little girl i babysit) that skirt i promised her last night.
9. start my herb garden (again). damned frost killed my first attempt. :'(
10. do more yoga (i never do enough).
11. go to something, or take a road trip. even if it's just a day trip to st. louis botanical gardens, i'm going to get away a bit this summer.
12. start writing my children's book that kenny will most likely be editing. i'll give you a hint: it's about a bird named terra. she talks. i think she'll talk to housepets and children.
13. i really want to get over my fear of snakes. i don't know how to do this, but i'd like to learn to love them. i went into the herpetarium at the memphis zoo just so i could go and smile at all the snakes. scared the shit out of me!