Feb 18, 2005 17:39
Well, here I am again at work. It seems that the only time I get to update this is when i'm at work. Oh well, at least i'm able to update. I've been so busy lately that I haven't had much time to do anything else. All my classes decided to blow up at once leaving me with papers to write, projects to do, and tests to take. Not fun let me tell you. I've also been trying to get Kimiko to go to class, which may sound easy but isn't in any way, shape, or form. She constantly complains about how tired she is during the day and says that she wants to get on a good schedule, but then stays up until all hours of the night. Now this wouldn't be that much of a problem if she didn't turn off her alarms in her sleep. I never know if she really is awake or not and then she misses all her classes. She's already failed (or done so badly she has to take it again) in three of her classes. You would think that after that she would put this as more of a priority, but apperently not. I ended up getting so fed up with it that on Wednesday night I refused to go to sleep until she did. This wouldn't be that bad for her except I sat on the end of her bed and stared at her. To say the least she was disturbed and tried to ask me to go to sleep. I refused and she told me that she needed to talk to her cousin because she was upset by Death Note ending (Death Note is this series that is coming to an abrupt end that was much liked by Kimiko and her cousin. I liked it too, but obviously not as much.) I told her that her cousin could get through it and that it wasen't that big deal. She didn't agree, so I reminded her about how upset she was when she found out and how she got through it just fine. She still refused, so we sat. Finally, she asked me what it would take to get me to go to sleep. I told her that she would have to write down and sign a paper saying that everytime she would miss a class there would be some consequence. That ended it, but i'm really tired now from retatively not being able to sleep. The damn clicking of the keys drives me absolutely batty! So how's the contract going so far, you ask? Well, she already missed her classes yesterday. Good start, eh? AUGH! I'm so frusterated with this. I know that I shouldn't interfere, but that's just the way I am. I can't sit by and watch her ruin her life because of such stupid reasons. Allright, I'm sorry about that. I'm going to stop complaining now. I think I just needed to vent or something 'cause I feel much better now. Oh, wanna hear a funny story?! Yeah ya do! I got a phone call from some lady while at work and I said my greeting, etc, etc. She says, "I'm on the internet." and stops. She doesn't say anything else and so i'm like "ok?" and she says "Oh nevermind." and hangs up. I just sat there for a minute trying to figure out what the HELL is wrong with people these days?! Whatever. Damn it all! I want to leave this hellhole! You know what else I found out today? Aquafina has flavored water now too. I had no idea, so I thought i'd try it. It's ok, but nothing fabulous. Although I definately prefer Aquafina for regular water. Dansani(or however you spell it) tastes like metal. It's absolutely horrible and leaves this gross after taste in your mouth. Oh wait!!! I almost forgot! I finally got my tatoo after putting it off for months. I'm so happy with it, although my parents would kill me if they found out. For those of you who don't know what I wanted, I got an ahnk (Egyptian symbol of life) on my chest. It's about 4 or 5 inches tall, so it's not really that big. Hoppefully, it's small enough to hide from my parents. And I know what you're thinking, it must have hurt. To tell you the truth it wasen't really that bad. It feels like when you get pricked with a needle when you're getting blood drawn but is a constant feeling instead of just once. I've gotten blood taken a lot so i didn't think it hurt that bad at all compared to what everyone else makes it out to be. Well, I gotta go. We are gonna start making the closing announcements. Yeah! Have a good weekend everyone! Oh, and I hope that Shelly is feeling better now!