Dear Night on Fic Mountain Writer

Apr 14, 2015 23:17

Hello! I'm sure you're a wonderful person and I'll love anything you write for me.

I have exactly three DNWs: child abuse, incest and underage.

Feel free to poke around this journal or my Ao3 account (username: sevenofspade) if you want to. My eltters tag is here.

On the other hand, there are a lot of things I do want. Here’s a partial list, in no particular order. (I obviously don’t expect you to stick all of these in one story, that would be impossible.)
• Plot. I prefer it to both introspection and porn, but it doesn’t have to be a massive epic.
• Hopeful and/or bittersweet endings, just not the unrelenting grim darkness of the far future
• FRIENDSHIP FIC. You can never go wrong with friendship fic as far as I’m concerned.
• Femslash, gen, het, poly and slash! I'm honestly not difficult.
• Dinosaurs.
• Historical AUs
• Fandom AUs! Or better yet, fandom not!AUs, in which the canon is exactly the same, except everyone's in fandom!
• Crack taken seriously.
• People on opposite side who care about each other! Whether it's enemies-turned-(grudging)-friends or friends-turned-(grudging)-enemies or any other variation on this theme, I love this trope very dearly.
• Superpowers!
• Timetravel!
• Worldbuilding! Fuck yeah, worldbuilding.
• Folktales/fairytales/etc.
• Canon-divergent AUs! Allllllll the “WHAT IF” fics. ALL OF THEM.
• Timetravel! I love all the kinds of timetravel. The ones that create paradoxes and the ones that don't; the ones that are stable and the ones that aren't; the ones with alternate pasts/presents/futures and all the rest. Just. All the timetravel, yeah?
• Worldbuilding! Fuck yeah, worldbuilding. Tell me everything about a tiny (or not so tiny) canon detail. Show the parts of the world the canon never goes to. TELL ME ABOUT THE STORIES THEY TELL IN THAT UNIVERSE. (Seriously. Rewrite canon as a legend from that universe, that would be amazing.)
• Identity porn! When someone (or several people) have secret identities (fannish, superheroic, all of the above, etc) and their interactions change depending on who's presenting as what at any given time.

There be spoilers beyond this point. I want you to know that I love, love, love all of these fandoms and would be utterly delighted to get fic for any of them.

Ancient History RPF Characters: Hannibal Barca, Scipio Africanus

I ship this two something fierce, but I would also be open to gen fic about them, either together or separately. Some prompts you could go with: WHATEVER HAPPENED IN EPHESUS (I vote for slow-burn romance), Scipio and his relationship with Jupiter Capitolinus, Hannibal and the blood oath, either of their relationship with their family (I'd be especially interested in Scipio + Cornelia Africana), their friendships (Hannibal and Maharbal, in particular), AU where Hannibal takes Rome, AU where Scipio takes Carthage, AU in which there's no war, magical realism AU, AU in which they're both women...

I wrote a primer a short while ago, my yuletide letter has more info and some links and here's a post about why I ship it. I also have a tag. I've gotten fabulous fics written for me about those two in the past, but long story short, they're the OTP of my heart and so I will be utterly delighted by any more fic.

Demon Knights Characters: Al Jabr, horsewoman, Sir Ystin

FRIENDSHIP FIC! That's it, that's my prompt. I just want endless amounts of friendship fic for any combination of these three. Al Jabr + Horsewoman: yes, awesome, bring on the sarcastic crackdowns on his existential questions! Horsewoman + Ystin: aw yeah, bonding over horses! Ystin + Al Jabr: Is Al-Wadi the new Camelot? All three of them: new adventures!

I'm of the very firm belief that exposure to the Grail made Al Jabr immortal at the end of the series.

I've requested this series and those characters several times already (here's one example), which you can find in this tag. I've gotten fic for it before (and it was amazing) but I would love love love more fic! I really like this series and everyone in it.

Loki: Agent of Asgard Character: Verity Willis

Verity is amazing! I love everything about her, from how human she is to how in stride she takes Loki's bullshit to her budding friendship with Lorelei. Her ability and its limits fascinate me.

I would love fic about her interacting with Valeria (babysitting once Valeria's back in New york, maybe?) or Doom again ('trusted ally'). Or maybe just a day in the life of the unlikely BFF of the God of Mischief. I requested fic about Verity once before.

Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003) Characters: Eris, Marina

I find Eris and Marina both fascinating for different reasons. I love how Marina is in love with the sea, completely and utterly, and I love how unapologetic about doing things for the lulz Eris is. Having both of them interact after the events of the movie would be amazing!

Eris also opens up the possibility of worldbuilding. Where are the other Greek goods in this universe?

Don't get me wrong, I like Sinbad and Proteus (and ship Marina/Sinbad/Proteus), but of the three I'm most interested in Marina. I quite enjoyed her friendships with the rest of Sinbad's crew. Maybe an AU where she's the pirate?

The Tempest - Shakespeare Character: Ariel

Ariel's character is super interesting and I want to know everything about them! I'm especially curious about what their life was like before or after enslavement to Prospero, or what their relationship to Miranda and/or Caliban is like.

This is the perfect opportunity for some worldbuilding! I would especially love futurefic where Miranda returns to the island after years away (perhaps bringing news of Prospero's death to its inhabitants?).

Thank you again for writing for me! If none of the prompts inspire you, feel free to write what does inspire you instead. This entry was originally posted at and has
comments over there.

fandom: shakespeare's tempest, fandom: ancient history rpf, dear author letter, fandom: punic wars rpf, fandom: loki: agent of asgard, fandom: demon knights, fandom: all, nightonficmountain, fandom: sinbad: legend of the seven seas, nightonficmountain 2015

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