2014 total and 2015 goals

Jan 31, 2015 22:37

A bit late, but better late than never!

November 2014

Wordcount for the month: 69 033
(Cumulated wordcount for the year: 469 517)
Most words written in a day: 3 863
Least words written in a day: 0
Average words written in a day: 2 301

Fic words: 8 749
Fics posted: 0
Fics that are finished but unposted: 7
Fics finished: 0
Fics worked on: 9
Fics started: 2

Original stuff: 36 640
Projects finished: 0
Projects worked on: 2
Projects started: 0

Stuff in French: 199 (!)

Various stuff: 23 445

Books read: (Crimson Angel, The Wicked + The Divine (first five issues, the equivalent of the first tpb), Blood of Olympus (counted this as an October read mistakenly))

December 2014

Wordcount for the month: 31 462
(Cumulated wordcount for the year: 500 979)
Most words written in a day: 4 154
Least words written in a day: 54
Average words written in a day: 1 015

Fic words: 15 979
Fics posted: 6 (The Uncertainty Principle, The Nameless City, Twelve Days of Mad Science, Five moments in the life of Augustus Mayerling, A Terrible Weakness and Seas Would Rise)
For a total of: 15 813 words posted
Fics that are finished but unposted: 5
Fics finished: 4
Fics worked on: 8
Fics started: 3

Original stuff: 6 681
Projects worked on: 3
Projects started: 0

Stuff in French: 0

Various stuff: 8 802

Books read: 5 (The Demigod Files, Storykiller, Les Ogres-Dieux: Petit, City of Stairs, Stranger)

2014 total

Wordcount for the year: 500 979
Most words written in a day: 5 032
Least words written in a day: 0
Average words written in a day: 1 373

And 13 fics posted and two novels written (two-and-half, even). I THINK I DID OKAY.

Goals for 2015:
1. Write 500k words total.
2. Read 100 books.
3. Draw 250 things.
(4. Be braver.)
(5. Chill.)

1. Write 500k words total.
1.A. Write 350k words of fiction.
1.A.i. Write 200k of original fiction.
1.A.i.a. Finish first draft of one novel.
1.A.i.b. Finish second draft of other novel.
1.A.ii. Post 10 fics.

2. Read 100 books.
2.A. Get black-out on all three of the Reading bingo cards.

3. Draw 250 things.
3.A. Try new mediums. Branch out from markers and watercolours.

(4. Be braver.)
(4.A.Ask M about the thing.)
(4.A.i. Do the thing.)
(4.B. Do the other thing.)
(4.C. Do third thing.)

(5. Chill.)
(5.A. Seriously. Chill.)

This entry was originally posted at http://dhampyresa.dreamwidth.org/63910.html and has
comments over there.

yearly report

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