Day 12
In your own space, talk about what you bring to fandom. It can be something tangible, or not. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
My main contribution to fandom is probably making Hannibal/Scipio happen (for a value of "happen" that is 5 fics on Ao3, but hey, that's still 5 more fics than before I came along). I've done all the things you're supposed to do: I wrote fic, I talked about it (at great length, to anyone who would listen) and I even
wrote a primer recently. It is true what they say: if you build it, they will come.
My other big contribution to fandom was co-modding the tail end of Night on Fic Mountain with
morbane last year. This year (and hopefully in future as well), I'll be running it from the beginning. It's a small fandom exchange with stories reveals for the June solstice. You can think of it as yuletide in june/junetide if you want. The relevant comms are
ficmountain and
Also, firendship fic. I bring a lot of that to fandom.
This entry was originally posted at and has
comments over there.