I'm a bit late to post this, but fuck it, I'm going to post before it's completely outdated.
There's a Le Grimoire d'Arkandias movie! I know, right? I remember it being the only assigned reading book every one in the class had read. it's a good book and we were in the target audience. That teacher got a lot of kids into reading.
Except there's kind of a problem with the movie...
Here's the movie poster, with the problem helpfully circled.
No, seriously, who is he? Boy in blue is obviously Theo, dude in the back is Arkandias (who is the bad guy, btw, not the mentor) and I can't remember who the girl is, but fair enough adding a girl to this boy's club.
The guy circled in red, though? The only character I can think of him as being is Bonaventure and I have a problem with that.
Here's why. Bonaventure first appears on page 15 of my edition of the book, gets dialog on page 16 and on page 17, we get the following paragraph.
Bonaventure attrapa une de ses tresses et la porta à sa bouche pour la mordiller d'un air soucieux. les tresses afro lui allaient fort bien. Sa mère, qui était antillaise, les lui avait faites voici quatre mois, et depuis il était toujours bien coiffé, ce qui le changeait. Théophile aurait adoré se faire tresser la chevelure à l'africaine, mais la maman de Bonaventure lui avait expliqué que pour obtenir un bon résultat il fallait avoir les cheveux bruns et crépus, et que faire natter à l'africaine une chevelure blonde, c'étai prendre le rique de se retrouver avec sur la tête un poulpe mort décoloré à l'eau de Javel.
In English, it could translated like this (translation mine):
Bonaventure grabbed one of his braids et brung it to his mouth to chew on it worriedly. African braids [note: cornrows] suited him well. His mother, who was from the Antilles, had done them for him four months ago, and since then his hair was always well styled, which was a change. Théophile would have loved to have his hair braided the African way, but Bonaventure's mum had explained that to get a good result you needed brown and kinky hair, and that getting blond hair braided the African way was taking the risk to end up with a bleached dead octopus on your head.
Awkward translation aside, two things are clear: Théo = blond, Bonaventure = not white. He's black, or maybe mixed race, but not whoever that is on the poster. Like I said, PAGE FUCKING SEVENTEEN, first physical description we have of him. Have those people even read the fucking book, seriously?
In conclusion: I will not be seeing that movie and FROWNY FACE.
(Btw, can anyone tell me if the cédille in the title of this post is showing?)
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