I GOT THE PLACE! It was a close call, but I got the place. The internet' not set up yet and I'll be moving out over the next couple of days, so sorry if I disappear for a while at some point in the future.
In other news: I've finished all three phases of the Secret Project for the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series! There's no way I'll be able to do Heroes of Olympus too before Blood of Olympus comes out, so I'm celebrating by reading Mirror Empire. I don't know yet if I'll post about this series alone or if I'll wait until I'm done to talk about it.
Watched several Leverage episodes today. Still my happy show.
I draw a thing! It's been a couple of days since I drew, in part because I was sick-ish over yesterday/the week-end. Am no longer sick!
I switched out the protecting film on my shone screen. Everything looks so sharp and crisp!
Yeah, today was good.
This entry was originally posted at
http://dhampyresa.dreamwidth.org/47700.html and has
comments over there.