Fics posted:
1 (A Rare Thing, Warehouse 13, gen)
Fics worked on: 5
Fics started: 2
Fics finished: 3
Of which sent to beta: 2 (not including A Rare Thing)
Fics I got back from betas: 2
Fics that are finished and should be with a beta right now but are not because I am an idiot: 5
Fics that need a new beta because the last one dropped off the face of the Earth months ago: 1
Wordcount for the month: 27 581
(Cumulated wordcount for the year: 179 424)
Fic words: 8 251
Original stuff: 7 647 (Projects worked on: 3)
Various stuff: 11 683
Stuff in French: 0 (hahaha oops)
Most words written in a day: 2 033
Least words written in a day: 576
Average words written in a day: 889
Books read: 1 (The Ring of Solomon) (I don't like this, boo hiss) (no, but really, I hate it)
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comments over there.