I had a fandom friend over for yesterday/today (May 8 and 9) and it was great fun. Yesterday, we went to Trinity College to see the Book of Kells and we ended up taking a tour, which was enormous amounts of fun, and seeing the Brian Baru exposition in the Old Library, then had dinner then watched Amazing Spider-Man 2. Today we wanted to go see Dublin Castle, but we missed our bus stop and didn't have time, so we had shawarma instead.
For the record, I haven't seen Amazing Spider-Man 1.
My friend and I walked out of the movie shipping Harry/Electro super super hard, because of course we did. (And because I'm me, I ended up shipping all the things: Harry/Peter? Yup! Gwen/Harry? Yup!)
I was really expecting Felicia, Harry's assistant, to be revealed to be Black Cat, because a) her name is Felicia and b) she knew a lot more than she was letting on. I choose to believe she was there so could steal all of Osbourn's shit and then somehow got saddled with Harry, who she didn't want to see die.
Speaking of Harry, he was super pretty, suprisingly badass and at some point I got it into my head that he was FtM. (I think it was the scene with Spider-Man, where he's got fairly pronounced hips, or maybe it was that we'd been talking about FtM people before hand, idk, idc.) So, Harry, super badass! That whole scene where he breaks into Ravencroft and then breaks Electro out ("I need you!", yup, shipping it super hard). I loved loved that he tasered Electro before Electro said 'yes' to his offer. he had no way of knowing if Electro would help him, but at least he wasn't going to let him keep being tortured/exeprimented on. I also loved that he was very much not okay with his company doing this sort of thing. (That's my thing for people doing the right thing in action.)
I was surprised by how fucking fast Harry's disease progressed. His father had something like forty years before he died and Harry looked like had about 40 days. In light of that, I can understand how desperate he was.
I was also surprised that Peter recognised Max as someoen hesaed because that was months ago and Max looks completely different, even discounting the blue. My theory is that his new, Electro body isn't so much how he was but how he saw himself, which would explain why the pants weren't optional.
Gwen was also AMAZING omg! She was "clearly acting as though she was the hero" as my friend put it, because yes, she was omg! She was totally the best. "Have you tried magnetising them?" And when she went out into the power station to turn it all up again, because lol Peter Parker knows shit about anything. Also when she started looking for Max and tried to find out what had happened to him. (I totally want the fic where badass normal Harry and badass normal Gwen team-up to save Max/Electro from Ravencroft. It could be a canon-diveregnt AU branching off from the scene in the elevator.) I also loved her speech at the beginning and her not taking any shit from Peter.
I really really did not like that she died. The whole theater cringed in sympathetic pain when she hit the ground, but ffs, was that really necessary? Hint: the answer is FUCK NO. (I think i'm going to pretend that she moved to England for the next movie(s).)
Let's talk about how Peter Parker is going insane. Bear with me. We see three people get affected by Oscorp genomics: Peter -> Spider-Man, Max -> Electro and Harry -> Green Goblin. Electro hears voices (most noticeable in the first confrontation with Spider-Man. My friend tells me they rhymed, but I didn't notice). Green Goblin goes all murder happy (there's this close-up of his face before he drops Gwen, where he looks like Harry and then he truns into Green Goblin again and drops her, I thought that was an interesting piece of cinematography). Spider-Man has hallucinations of this random police officer dude (who I'm told is Gwen's dad). And before anyone says it's just a movie device, I'd like to point out that there's at least one instance of him reacting too late to something that happened IRL because he was seeing Police Guy. So yeah, Oscorp is good at giving people superpowers with a side-order of crazy.
I loved the scenes of May in the hospital and the air traffic control tower, although I have to ask: where your back-up generators be at, people? I loved that it showed us how regular people were coping and that the planes being on a collision course gave us a timeframe for the big fight. Also, those two scenes and the scene at the beginning of Richard Parker uploading his file to the very end were so great at the "people being dedicated, even in extreme circumstances" thing.
I also liked the kid standing up to Rhino, because yay people doing the right thing. (I would read the fic where Peter and Gwen move to England and hunt Jack the Ripper so hard.)
I loved loved the scene with May and Peter where they establish that she's his mother, as much as anyone ever was, because yes, she was.
Have I mentionned yet that everyone was a colossal dork? Because they were and that was awesome. Peter: "That's because I was washing the [hastily scrambles for a way to not say 'Spider-Man costume'] ...American flag?" Harry: "You got your braces taken off! Now there's nothing to distract from your unibrow." Gwen: "I'm sorry I didn't take us to the Bahamas of hiding places!"
The CGI was also great.
There's one mid-credit scene and it's about X-Men. It's either footage for Days of Future Past or a teaser for Mystique getting her own movie. I get a feeling it's option a.
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