Unfortunately, Palpatine.

Feb 19, 2017 22:26

I'm becoming increasingly convinced that everything that goes wrong in Star Wars can be summed up as "Unfortunately, Palpatine.". Yes, that's the whole explanation.

Dath Maul? Unfortunately, Palpatine.
Dooku? Unfortunately, Palpatine.
Darth Vader? Unfortunately, Palpatine.
Death Star blows up Alderaan? Unfortunately, Palpatine.
First Order blowing up Hosnian Prime? Unfortunately, Palpatine.

This realisation brought to you by the realisation that it's pretty much how I plan my Star Wars fic: how's Palpatine going to fuck shit up this time? Even when he's not there on-screen, he's always there in the background, lurking. /is currently in the Unfortunately, Palpatine part of the Fake Dating FOR GREAT JUSTICE fic

This entry was originally posted at http://dhampyresa.dreamwidth.org/172600.html and has
comments over there.

fandom: all, fandom: star wars

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