Dear Worldbuilder

Jan 30, 2017 21:51

Thank you for writing for me! I'm sure whatever you write me will be wonderful.

Feel free to poke around this journal or my Ao3 account (username: sevenofspade) if you want to. My letters tag is here.

I have six Do Not Wants: allegory/metaphor of real world politics, incest, rape, child abuse, character death and dysphoria. When these are canon, please don't focus on them. I would also prefer not to have to deal with people losing things important to them and toxic living arrangements, be that family or roomates. Thank you.

On the other hand, there are a lot of things I do want. Here’s a partial list. (I obviously don’t expect you to stick all of these in one story, that would be impossible.)

General likes:

• Plot. I prefer it to both introspection and porn, but it doesn’t have to be a massive epic.

• Hopeful and/or bittersweet endings, just not the unrelenting grim darkness of the far future.

• FRIENDSHIP FIC. You can never go wrong with friendship fic as far as I’m concerned.

• Femslash, gen, het, poly and slash! I'm honestly not difficult. Most of my prompts are gen, but if you want to take them in a shippy direction, go right ahead! I've pointed out ships I ship, but if you ship something else, I'll gladly read it. I tend to ship ALL THE SHIPS.

• Dinosaurs.


• Historical AUs. If you're looking for something more specific, I'm always a sucker for the Second Punic War.

• Fandom AUs! Or better yet, fandom not!AUs, in which the canon is exactly the same, except everyone's in fandom!

• (Consider "They do yuletide [fandom exchange of your choice]" as your get-out-of-jail-free card when it comes to plot.)

• Crack taken seriously.

• People on opposite side who care about each other! Whether it's enemies-turned-(grudging)-friends or friends-turned-(grudging)-enemies or any other variation on this theme, I love this trope very dearly.

• Complicated relationships and conflicted loyalties in general, really.

• Superpowers!

• Bodyswap!

• SCIENCE and ART and people really into either/both.

• Please feel free to make anyone not human as alien as you want. Alien biology! Alien psychology! Alien cultures! Alien aliens!

• Canon-divergent AUs! Allllllll the “WHAT IF” fics. ALL OF THEM.

• Identity porn! When someone (or several people) have secret identities (fannish, superheroic, all of the above, etc) and their interactions change depending on who's presenting as what at any given time.

• People being smart/competent!

• Timetravel! I love all the kinds of timetravel. The ones that create paradoxes and the ones that don't; the ones that are stable and the ones that aren't; the ones with alternate pasts/presents/futures and all the rest. Just. All the timetravel, yeah?

• Worldbuilding! Fuck yeah, worldbuilding. Tell me everything about a tiny (or not so tiny) canon detail. Show the parts of the world the canon never goes to. TELL ME ABOUT THE STORIES THEY TELL IN THAT UNIVERSE. (Seriously. Rewrite canon as a legend from that universe, that would be amazing.)

• Folktales/fairytales/etc.

• If all else fails, you can always stick any random combination of characters on a roadtrip/force them to work together and have them become friends and I will eat it up with a spoon.

Feel free to take prompts in whichever direction you like! And if none of my prompts work for you, then write whatever you want -- I'll be happy with anything.

Demigods Series - Rick Riordan
  • Characters: Luke Castellan, Rachel Elizabeth Dare
  • Worldbuilding: Children of Hecate and the Titan War, Oracle of Delphi (Demigods Series), Possession by a Titan

I feel like there are the pretty obvious pairings of Luke + Possession and Rachel + Oracle, but the reverse on those could also be interesting, either in canon (Luke & his mother the Oracle, Rachel and hitting Titans in the face) or in a role-reversal AU. Children of Hecate could go either way with being with Luke or Rachel. And of course I am always up for Rachel & Luke (or Rachel/Luke, why not) shenanigans.

Marvel Cinematic Universe
  • Characters: Wanda Maximoff
  • Worldbuilding: Relationship between magic and science
Over in the Thor movies the MCU took great pains to make magic super-advanced science. But then there's Wanda. If you want to explore this via interaction between Wanda and Thor, that'd be cool, but I would also love Wanda + Tony or Wanda solo vs Science. (Fyi, I haven't seen Doctor Strange.)

Marvel Secret Wars Battleworlds
  • Characters: Valeria - Head of the Foundation, God Emperor Doom
  • Worldbuilding: the building of Battleworld, effects of Doom being omnipotent but not omniscient, role of the Foundation, the Thors & their hammers & Doomgard
FUCK YEAH BATTLEWORLD! I love Battleworld. No lie, Secret Wars was my favourite event in ages. It gave excellent Doom and Valeria. And the worldbuilding potential was fascinating. Feel free to bring in other characters from the comics (including non-nominated ones, like Wanda Maximoff or Goddess of Stories Loki or Cassandra Lang) if you want.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
  • Characters: Chirrut Îmwe, Jyn Erso, Mon Mothma
  • Worldbuilding: Rebel Alliance High Command, politics of the Rebel Alliance, the Whills, the Guardians of the Whills, Mon Mothma's role in the Rebellion, Jyn's crystal pendant, Data storage, Holidays of a Galaxy Far Far Away
There's obviously overlap between a lot of the Rebellion prompts, but whatever, I am here for punching the Empire in the face. Or Empire-punchers taking a breather and having themselves a nice holiday -- possibly having cocktails on a beach. I am super curious about the Whills and their Guardians. What are they? What's the relationship between the two? Also, was that harddrive the plans were on old school or what?

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types
  • Characters: Riyo Chuchi, CT-7567 | Rex, Bo-Katan Kryze
  • Worldbuilding: Legal Status of Clones, Pantoran Culture, Mission in the clones' dreams, Maul's rule of Mandalore, in-universe fandom and RPF
I don't understand how the Jedi can (a) think they're the good guys and (b) say there's no slavery in the Republic when they're literally fighting this war with an army of enslaved child soldiers. Like. WTF? Also, that dream mission Fives as he's dying, what is that? I'm kind of sad we never got to see Maul on Mandalore, especially Maul vs Mandalore. I'm super curious about Pantoran culture -- like, what do those tatoos mean? And in-universe fandom is my favourite thing.

Stargate Atlantis
  • Characters: Todd
  • Worldbuilding: Wraith culture, Wraith and the Iratus bug, First Wraith against Atlantis War
I just want to know everything about the Wraith, okay? ALL THE THINGS. Also, I loved loved loved that bit in Last Man where Ronon and Todd (briefly) work together and sacrifice themselves for the same cause, so anything with a Todd + Ronon team-up would be aces. I also love Todd and Teyla's relationship, as well as his relationship with John.

Voltron: Legendary Defender
  • Characters: Haggar
  • Worldbuilding: Galra Empire, Blade of Marmora, Alteans
Haggar is the space witch/mad scientist mash-up of my heart. I want to know everything about her and the world she lives in -- who are her assistants? Why don't they have faces? Is she really Altean? What does that mean to her? Can she get the slipperies? Is she Keith's mom? Do I ship her with Pidge? Yes. They could bond over mad science, it'd be cute/horrifying. I would also love to see her relationship with Shiro and/or Allura explored.

Thank you again so much for writing for me!

(Comments welcome.) This entry was originally posted at and has
comments over there.

fandom: marvel movies, dear author letter, fandom: voltron, fandom: stargate, fandom: secret wars, fandom: all, fandom: marvel comics, fandom: star wars, worldbuildingex, worldbuildingex 2017, fandom: demigods series (rick riordan)

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