Yuletide reveals post

Jan 03, 2017 20:52

I wrote six fics for yuletide, including my assignment and a pinch-hit.

Her vestal livery is but sick and green (1506 words) by sevenofspade
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Angela (Marvel Comics)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Angela | Aldrif/Sera
Characters: Sera (Marvel), Angela | Aldrif
1. Try to find Angela's mother.
2. Try to locate the lost Furnace of the Hierophants.
3. Declare War on the Queendom of Heven.
Sera and Angela work on #2.

This was my assignment. I didn't start writing until late in the exchange period, because I was waiting for the letter to update. Especially since I regretting offering this fandom as soon as sign-ups closed, on account of not having a back-up plan in case of no prompt. I canon-reviewed and came up with semi-plotty (sort of shippy) gen post-canon fic. I have no idea if my recip is familiar with Fear Itself as an event (pro tip for people requesting franchises in exchanges: specify which parts you're familiar with), but hopefully the plot point in the fic that rests on that is explained well enough in text. I'm mostly happy with this fic, even if it's a bit rushed.

Find a way (1632 words) by sevenofspade
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Ancient History RPF
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Hannibal Barca
Summary: The Alps were full of dangers.

This was my pinch-hit. DHAMPYRESA, WRITING ABOUT THE SECOND PUNIC WAR? MORE LIKELY THAN YOU THINK! I only realised late that there's a thing in this that is similar to a scene in Mulan. Oops? Also featuring important science fact: Flour is an explosive substance.

Treats, in posting order.

Apotheosis (1106 words) by sevenofspade
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Secret Wars (Hickman/Ribić 2015 mini-series), Marvel Secret Wars Battleworlds
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: God Emperor Doom: Ruler of Battleworld (Secret Wars 2015), Stephen Strange: Sheriff of Agamotto (Secret Wars 2015)
After Johnny Storm's rebellion, Stephen Strange and God-Emperor Doom had a talk.

I decided pretty early on that, by hook or by crook, there was going to be a Secret Wars fic in yuletide this year. Because Reasons. So I wrote this fic. I wish I could have written a Strange/Doom fic, because I couldn't find time to reread Triumph and Torment, which is where most of my Strange/Doom feelings come from. I'm quite happy with this, anyway. My recip had great prompts! I tried to use as much of them as I could.

Spoiler (1365 words) by sevenofspade
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The Dark Knight Legacy (Web Series)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Stephanie Brown
Additional Tags: background Stephanie Brown/Jason Todd
Stephanie Brown had 99 problems and costumed vigilantes were every one of them.

Also guste-starring: Klarion, Cassandra Cain, Renee Montoya, Kate Kane, Maggie Sawyer and Steph's dad. (And secretly a Gwen Stacy.) Mostly I'm really proud of the summary/opening line.

The Space Between (1017 words) by sevenofspade
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Yoko Tsuno (Comics)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Khany/Yoko Tsuno
Characters: Khany (Yoko Tsuno), Yoko Tsuno
Khany waited. Yoko visited.

It took me years, but I finally wrote some Yoko/Khany! This was really hard for me to write because writing fic for a canon in French is weird. But I did it and I quite like how this turned out. Femslash IN SPACE with some alien worldbuilding!

One person who knew the meaning of Pantsgiving and five people who learned it (1228 words) by sevenofspade
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The Unbelievable Gwenpool
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Gwen Poole
Additional Tags: Pantsgiving
Gwen and the crew celebrate Pantsgiving.

Pretty much last minute treat -- you can tell because it draws on this year's holiday annual. Gwenpool is a great comic. A++, definitely reccomend. Team of misfits celebrates ridiculous holiday!

General note: I don't write treats I'm finished with my assignment in exchanges, which really fucked me over, time-wise, this year. Everything ended up kind of rushed, but I figured "rushed treat > no treat".

(I do regret that I couldn't finish the fic I had started for
nomadicwriter in time for yuletide -- I have a finished draft now, but alas, too late, except for NYR --, but I burned out. Am still burned out, tbh. I wish
fandom_stocking had reveals mid-to-late January instead of early Jan.)
This entry was originally posted at http://dhampyresa.dreamwidth.org/165032.html and has
comments over there.

fandom: ancient history rpf, fandom: dcu (comic verse), writing: all, writing: fanfiction, yuletide 2016, fandom: yoko tsuno, fandom: fantastic four (comics), yuletide, fandom: punic wars rpf, fandom: secret wars, fandom: all, fandom: marvel comics

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