Watching Tuesday

Dec 08, 2016 22:14

Missed a week there. oops.


Star Wars Rebels: S03E08 & S03E09: Those two eps focused mostly on Ezra and Kanan, who I don't really care for. (Quite frankly at this point the only explanation for Ezra's Hondo-related stupidity is that loves has blinded him.) I totally called the revel in "Inside Man", but I thought they'd leave it ( Read more... )

fandom: legends of tomorrow (tv), fandom: lucifer, fandom: the librarians, on the telly box, fandom: miraculous ladybug, fandom: class (tv), fandom: all, fandom: star wars, fandom: luke cage (tv)

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Comments 2

_profiterole_ December 9 2016, 16:18:46 UTC
lol at Stone telling a roomful of Frost Giants his favourite natural disaster was global warming
Super réplique !

Oui, et Charlie aussi, même si j'étais plus inquiète pour Matteusz, vu qu'il ne fait pas partie de cast principal. Enfin une pairing (avec Malec aussi) qui survit cette année ! \o/

Je ne vois pas Yuri On Ice dans cette liste. *fait la pom-pom girl*


dhampyresa December 9 2016, 22:01:23 UTC
I loved how they reacted to that, like 'wow that dude is Hardcore'.

C'est vrai que ça fait du bien que le pairing survive.

Je m'y mets dès que possible!


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