Watching Tuesday

Nov 15, 2016 21:02



Star Wars Rebels: S03E06:


I appreciated getting the glimpses we got into Fenn Rau's captivity: play space!chess with Sabine and hahaha Kanan's "More like a cranky guest". I feel bad for Fenn Rau. He wanted to do what was right for his people.

Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo as Mandalorians!

So Sabine's mom is maybe working for the Empire?! WHAT

SABINE GOT A JETPACK! :D She's been wanting one for ages.

I'm hoping this episode means we'll get more Sabine content for the rest of the season.

Lucifer: S02E06, S02E07 and S02E08: Trixie accepting Maze's real face is my favourite scene, but it's very very closely followed by Maze and Dr Linda. "He's not dead, but trust me, he's going" places quite honourably -- I needed that, thank you, show.

CANNOT BELIEVE LUCIFER BROKE DR LINDA but thankfully she got over it.

I'm really enjoying Ella. Chloe and Maze roomates hijinks are amazing. Mum is up to no good, but frankly what I want most right now is for Azrael to show up about her knife.

Legends of Tomorrow: S02E03, S02E04 and S02E05: YES FINALLY WE ARE DONE WITH THE NAZIS

This show remains ridiculous, yet entertaining. I quite like Amara, but I'm meh on Nate, as far as new additions go. Still don't really care about Ray, either and the whole ~am I a hero without my suit~ thing isn't helping.

REALLY enjoying Sara as captain, though. I also continue to enjoy Jax and Stein -- especially totally rational fear of zombies. Poor dude.

Class: S01E03, S01E04 and S01E05: April continues to be my favourite -- I have A Thing for characters who tell the world "you will not break me and you will not take my kindness from me" -- but poor Tanya! I feel so bad for her! And the intro with her dad was really well done. Matteusz's "I don't like guns" is probably the hardest I've laughed at this show. Idk, something about the delivery really got to me.


Luke Cage: S1E08: I feel like I should be more invested in this. It's entertaining, but I don't care about Diamondback and him being Luke's secret brother (?) so it makes the show lackluster for me. Less of that, more of Misty, Claire and Shades, please.

Nirvana in Fire: E06: Have made no progress.

Miraculous Ladybug: S01E02: Have made no progress.

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fandom: all, fandom: legends of tomorrow (tv), fandom: star wars, fandom: lucifer, on the telly box, fandom: class (tv), fandom: luke cage (tv)

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