Prince of Cats, art and story by Ronald Wimberly: It's a comic that's both a retelling of Romeo and Juliet (by me mate Billy Shakes) in 80s -- I want to say Harlem, but it's been too long, definitely a big US city though -- and a PoV shift to the titular Prince of Cats, Tybalt. It was okay. Unfortunately, I think I was missing about 80% of the cultural cues I should have been getting, so I didn't get as much from it as I could have. The setting and PoV shifts didn't really bring anything new and instead made it predictable, because it's, you know, Romeo and Juliet. Also, the art didn't grab me.
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl v1, by Ryan North (story) and Erica Henderson (art): That is certainly a published comic book. My issue with Squirrel Girl is that it's quite good at Squirrel Girl (and assorted peeps) but quite bad at... everything else. And even when it's not bad, it falls into "so close and yet SO FAR" for me. I especially don't like that the non-Squirrel Girl/established Marvel characters are flattened into caricatures. The Doctor Doom arc could have been SO GREAT and instead it was... that. The art is nice, though.
Spider-Gwen v1, by Jason Latour (story) and Robbi Rodriguez (art): I enjoyed this greatly! The art's not really my thing, but I like Gwen A LOT (as long time readers of this blog will know, that's A Thing with me) and the reimagination of the Marvel characters in this new universe are really interesting. FELICIA, omg (and Matt Murder-dock is a hilarious pun).
List of stuff I still have to talk about:
Sandman Overture
Magnus Chase and the Sword of Asgard
The Red Pyramid
Tumulte à Rome
2016 (finished)
Marie des dragons intégrale
volume 4 of Les aigles de Rome
Cixi de Troye
Star Wars Shattered Empire
Star Wars Princess Leia
Year of Marvel: July
Lucifer v2 1-6
DC Comics Bomshells 1-36 (Year One)
Spider-Gwen v2 1-6
Toil and trouble 1-6
Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders 1-2
The Spire 1-8
The Grass King's Concubine
I'm adding Infomocracy by Malka Older (via
netgirl_y2k ) and Magnus Chase and the Hammer of Thor by Rick Riordan to my to-read list. But I'm not allowed to read the Riordan book until I've finished talking about the books I've already read (at least 2015), because this is ridiculous. And not until I've finished reading Le Déchronologue, because I need to finish reading it before yuletide sign-ups end and see if I still want to request it then.
Books that I have already:
Pyramids of London by Andrea K Höst
Prisoner (Echo's Wolf Book 1) (Werewolf Marines 2) by Lia Silver
Taking Stock by Scott Bartlett
February by Lisa Moore
The Demigod Diaries by Rick Riordan
The Skull Throne by Peter V. Brett
Hostage by Sherwood Smith and Rachel Manija Brown
Le Graal de l'Inframonde by Vanessa Callico and Diana Callico
Books that are out and that I haven't got: Infomocracy by Malka Older, Magnus Chase and the Hammer of Thor by Rick Riordan, L'armée furieuse & Temps Glaciaires by Fred Vargas, Drinking Gourd by Barbara Hambly, Clariel: The Lost Abhorsen, by Garth Nix, Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie, Melting Stones and Battle Magic by Tamora Pierce, The Lions of Al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay, The Beginning Place by Ursula Le Guin, Seraphina by Rachel Hartman, The True Meaning of Smekday by Adam Rex, the last two books of Kate Eliott's Spiritwalker trilogy, The Missing Queen by Samhita Arni, Throne of the Crescent Moon by Saladin Ahmed, whatever's out of the Craft Sequence series, Chroniques du Pays des Mères by Elisabeth Vonarburg, Lord of the Two Lands by Judith Tarr, Fortunate Fall by Raphael Carter, Barbara Hambly's vampire series, Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho, The Sand-Reckoner by Gillian Bradshaw, The Idylls of the Queen by Phillys Ann Karr, Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman, The Good Fairies of New York by Martin Millar, City of Blades by Robert Jackson Bennett, Slow Bullets by Alastair Reynolds, The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker, The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins and Untamed by Anna Cowan.
Books that aren't out yet (and when they're out): The Sleeping Life (Eferum, #2) by Andrea K. Höst (2015), Benjamin January #15 by Barbara Hambly (no idea), the Tris book by Tamora Pierce (2015), The House of Shattered Wings by Aliette de Bodard (caveat), Too Like the Lightning by Ada Palmer and whatever Jenny Dolfen's next project is
Airing shows:
Star Wars Rebels: I was meh on the season premiere, but last week's ep gave EXCELLENT MAUL. This week's upcoming ep promises to focus on Sabine, who is my FAVOURITE and so I am looking forward to it immensely.
Lucifer: Trixie continues to be adorable, Mazikeen continues to have chemistry with everyone, Dr Linda continues to take no shit, the new girl is pretty fun so far and so's Mom. On the other hand, AMENADIEL NO.
Completed shows
Luke Cage: On episode 6 (finished 5, haven't started 6). It's okay so far, but Claire just showed up so I hope it picks up! (Also, lol at them working in the Retro Power Man look. A++ would lol again)
Nirvana in Fire: Weirdly enough I am at the exact same place in this as in Luke Cage. To wit: finished 5, haven't started 6. Am greatly enjoying this, even if I am confused by ALL THE CHARACTERS. They change costumes and/or surroundings a lot and I'm mildly faceblind, so it's not great. I can tell maybe five people apart for sure and have about three names to go around. On the other hand: Lady General/Lady Spy! I am here for this.
Miraculous Ladybug: It's cute. Superheroes in Paris! Not an all white cast, yes THANK YOU. (I cannot fucking stand Hollywood Paris -- it doesn't look like the Paris I know at all.) Have seen one episode so far. It was the English dub, I wanted the Korean one.
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