nightonficmountain Creator,
Thank you for writing for me! I'm sure whatever you write me will be wonderful.
Feel free to poke around this journal or my Ao3 account (username:
sevenofspade) if you want to. My letters tag is
I have three Do Not Wants: incest, rape and child abuse. When these are canon, please don't focus on them. I'd also prefer is you didn't dwell on any suicidal ideation or prolonged descriptions of grief. I would also prefer not to have to deal with people losing things important to them and toxic living arrangements, be that family or roomates. Thank you.
On the other hand, there are a lot of things I do want. Here’s a partial list. (I obviously don’t expect you to stick all of these in one story, that would be impossible.)
• Plot. I prefer it to both introspection and porn, but it doesn’t have to be a massive epic.
• Hopeful and/or bittersweet endings, just not the unrelenting grim darkness of the far future
• FRIENDSHIP FIC. You can never go wrong with friendship fic as far as I’m concerned.
• Femslash, gen, het, poly and slash! I'm honestly not difficult. Most of my prompts are gen, but if you want to take them in a shippy direction, go right ahead! I've pointed out ships I ship, but if you ship something else, I'll gladly read it. I tend to ship ALL THE SHIPS.
• Dinosaurs.
• Historical AUs. If you're looking for something more specific, I'm always a sucker for the Second Punic War.
• Fandom AUs! Or better yet, fandom not!AUs, in which the canon is exactly the same, except everyone's in fandom!
• (Consider "They do yuletide [fandom exchange of your choice]" as your get-out-of-jail-free card when it comes to plot.)
• Crack taken seriously.
• People on opposite side who care about each other! Whether it's enemies-turned-(grudging)-friends or friends-turned-(grudging)-enemies or any other variation on this theme, I love this trope very dearly.
• Complicated relationships and conflicted loyalties in general, really.
• Superpowers!
• Canon-divergent AUs! Allllllll the “WHAT IF” fics. ALL OF THEM.
• Identity porn! When someone (or several people) have secret identities (fannish, superheroic, all of the above, etc) and their interactions change depending on who's presenting as what at any given time.
• People being smart/competent!
• Timetravel! I love all the kinds of timetravel. The ones that create paradoxes and the ones that don't; the ones that are stable and the ones that aren't; the ones with alternate pasts/presents/futures and all the rest. Just. All the timetravel, yeah?
• Worldbuilding! Fuck yeah, worldbuilding. Tell me everything about a tiny (or not so tiny) canon detail. Show the parts of the world the canon never goes to. TELL ME ABOUT THE STORIES THEY TELL IN THAT UNIVERSE. (Seriously. Rewrite canon as a legend from that universe, that would be amazing.)
• Folktales/fairytales/etc.
• If all else fails, you can always stick any random combination of characters on a roadtrip/force them to work together and have them become friends and I will eat it up with a spoon.
Ancient History RPF
Dido of Carthage, Hannibal Barca, Scipio Africanus
The most relevant tags in my journal for this fandom are the
Ancient History RPF and
Punic Wars RPF ones. I've requested these characters before, but I would fucking love anything and everything about them.
Here is
a primer for Hannibal and Scipio, with more relevant links at the end. Here is
a post about Dido (and Augustus) -- you know what, I never thought of it before, but I WOULD FUCKING LOVE A STORY IN WHICH DIDO AND AUGUSTUS MET.
Here are some prompts:
Did of Carthage + Hannibal Barca : There's apparently an opera in which Hannibal is framed as Dido's vision of her revenge on Rome, which is fascinating to me, I have to say. I mean, can you imagine if that vision's two ways? For Hannibal to know that Dido -- who is probably half a goddess already in Carthage, let's face it -- lays all her hopes of revenge on him? What's it like for Dido to know that this man she's never met -- will never meet -- is all she's got to hope for revenge, that she has to wait that long for this. Or, you know, you could have them meet in the Carthaginian afterlife (of which we know very little about, thanks for nothing, Scipio Aemilianus).
Dido Queen of Carthage + Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major : I got this! I got this! See, Dido's pissed about the destruction of Carthage, understandably. She didn't build that city just so some upstart could come along and burn it for seventeen days, after all. Anyway, she's pissed so she goes looking Aemilianus and finds the wrong Scipio instead. He's also pissed about the destruction of Carthage -- look, if he had wanted Carthage destroyed, he would have done it himself, not let some upstart do it. All of which is a long-winded way of saying: DIDO AND SCIPIO ON A ROADTRIP. Or they can chill together in the afterlife -- only it'd have to be the Greek afterlife, I guess, or else they probably wouldn't meet.
Hannibal Barca + Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major : I ship this two something fierce, but I would also be open to gen fic about them, either together or separately. (Or even some ships, just saying. if you want to write Hannibal/Maharbal or Aemilia/Scipio, please do!) WHATEVER HAPPENED IN EPHESUS (I vote for slow-burn romance), Scipio and his relationship with Jupiter Capitolinus, Hannibal and the blood oath, either of their relationship with their family (I'd be especially interested in Scipio + Cornelia Africana), their friendships (Hannibal and Maharbal, in particular), AU where Hannibal takes Rome, AU where Scipio takes Carthage, AU in which there's no war, magical realism AU, AU where they're both Romans or Carthaginians, AU where they're part of a model UN competition and they fight each other in pun-filled debates like some sort of punny war (I LIKE PUNS) ,AU where they're fucking IN SPAAAAACE...
Darths & Droids
Any of: Annie (Darths & Droids), Ben (Darths & Droids), The GM (Darths & Droids), Pete (Darths & Droids), Sally (Darths & Droids)
I only started reading this recently, but I'm pretty caught up, give or take a week or two. Don't worry about spoiling me. I headcanon the GM as a woman, fyi. (I talk a very little about it in
this entry, if it helps.)
My request here boils down to FRIENDSHIP FIC.
More shenanigans at the D&D table, more campaigns, more unlikely friendships, more weird derails, more fun adventures. You can write about new/other/past campaigns with the group, or Annie going on Broadway, Ben's (LA?)RP's adventure abroad, the GM's endless frustration and railroaded campaigns, Pete designing the Ultimate Dice, Sally pursuing any or all of her planned careers, etc...
Any combinations are also fun: Annie and Ben's first meeting at the theater group, Annie and the GM planning character development/plot, Annie and Pete having to fill in for the GM, Annie and Sallybeing penpals, Ben crashing on the GM's couch forEVER (I kind of ship it), Ben having to stay with Pete, Ben and Sally having sibling bonding time, th GM asking Pete for help, the GM asking Sally for help (possibly with some epic poetry), Pete and Sally as an unstoppable duo (their friendship is my faaaaaaavourite)... Anything's good really!
Feel free to bring in other characters too and/or show bits of their campaign.
DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV)
Kendra Saunders, Leonard Snart, Sara Lance
I am up to date on this show, don't worry about spoiling me.
I ship Sara Lance/Kendra Saunders and Leonard Snart/Sara Lance (and Leonard Snart/Sara Lance/Mick Rory), but I would totally down for an OT3 (or Kendra/Snart) or purely platonic fic between any of the combos or any of the requested characters with any other characters. I love every loser on that timeship, but besides these three my favourite are Jax and Stein (so, Firestorm, then).
Sara + Kendra (or Sara/Kendra): more sparring, more adventuring on horses maybe they get trapped in the Old West! Sara + Snart: more bar fights, maybe an AU where they meet while superheroes/supervillains. Kendra + Snart: Between her reincarnation and his trying to change his own timeline, I think they could have some super interesting conversations on Free Will vs Predestination, or they can spar, it'd be hot.
Gwen Variants (Marvel Comics Covers)
No nominated characters
The canon is
a series of variant covers Marvel put out last year to promote the Spider-Gwen comic launch. Each cover reimagines Gwen Stacy as one (or more) Marvel character.
I like Gwen Stacy a lot. I think she's super smart and really kind and amazingly brave, be that in Spider-Gwen or the movies or Ults Spidey. I love canon-adjacent AUs too, especially role reversal AUs (I hesitate to call these canon-divergent, but they could be!), so this fandom is basically two great tastes that taste great together!
I'm just going to direct you to
the relevant part of my yuletide letter from last year for prompts, because it is HELLA LONG. Pick any and all Gwens you want and feel free to mix and match prompts as you wish.
Loki: Agent of Asgard
Relationship: Verity Willis & Loki
I follow many Marvel comic series and have followed more in the past. Don't hesitate to crossover with the wider Marvel-verse; if you have questions about my familiarity with any given series, please ask.
The Loki + Verity friendship is a thing of beauty and I love it so much. This series has a brilliant narrative about the role of stories in our lies and what it means to be a Trickster. It's about Loki achieving redemption, at long last and on his terms (
long version here).
My main prompts here is POST-CANON ADVENTURES. I just want all the stories about Loki and Verity traipsing around the multiverse -- they can go to Doom's Battleworld, or they can go back into the past or they can go in the future or they can barge into any other fictional text or even go and talk to myth!Loki. Or they can stay in the void outside creation and explore what they find there (PERFECT CROSSOVER OPPORTUNITY WITH ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING). I mean, now that Those Who Sit In Shadows don't want to talk to Loki anymore, what is there to see in the void? What's behind Loki's "Next" door? Or you could write about Loki telling Verity about where the ring came from. You can also write about Verity's nine months without Loki -- did she find fanfiction while she was getting used to fiction? Did she ever get in trouble due to being a "trusted ally" of Doom? Did Loki go straight to Verity or were stops made along the way? I would love to know how Verity manages to get a new body -- maybe Wanda and/or Doom help. There could also be a fic about Verity and Loki simply hanging out with each other before things went to hell. Maybe they made rhubarb jam.
Yoko Tsuno (Comics)
Relationship: Yoko Tsuno/Khany
First thing I ever shipped. I would love culture clash or negotiating a (very very very) long distance relationship where they only see each other in person once in long while or being spacemoms to Poky and Rosée or consequences/what-happened-after a specific album or just space adventures. OR TIMETRAVEL ADVENTURES, why should Yoko get all the fun timetravelling, I'm sure the Vineans have the tech somewhere.
I would love it forever if you wrote any sort of Vinean worldbuilding. What's it like for Khany to be older than her mom and have her twin be six years old?
Just anything, anything at all, really.
Thank you so much for writing for me!
(Comments welcome.)
This entry was originally posted at and has
comments over there.