Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know most people are doing the December posting meme, but that is not an option for me this month. Hence, January posting meme.
I hope to post (almost) every day in January*, by going through unanswered questions from last year's if I have to. (Reason 2 I'm doing it iin January: December didn't work last year. January the year before did.)
Basically if you've ever wanted to ask me to babble about stuff, from writing to Breton Arthuriana to my brilliant plan for a movie trilogy with the F4 and DOOM in it or whatever, now's your chance.
January 1
January 2
January 3
January 4 --
ladymercury_10 : Illyana Rasputin
January 5
January 6
January 7 --
hokuton_punch : Mehmed and Radu!
January 8
January 9
January 10 --
wordsofastory : More Arthuriana
January 11
January 12 --
egelantier : how about favorite french music? one band or a lot of bands or a genre or anything goes
January 13 --
endeni : if you could make your own tv-show based on the Arthurian legends which way would you go? (And who would you cast?)
January 14 --
schneefink : how would you do a Young Avengers movie? Or a TV series?
January 15 --
tamsin : Dido and Aeneas
January 16
January 17
January 18 --
st_aurafina : Favourite place to chill out and relax? Or favourite place you've ever visited?
January 19
January 20 --
yhlee : writing process talk
January 21
January 22
January 23
January 24
January 25
January 26 --
yhlee : Cannae
January 27 --
tamsin : Tell me about some of your favorite books?
January 28
January 29
January 30
January 31
Blank space:
thebonesofferalletters : What is your ideal living space like?
+ anything from
last year I didn't answer already:
egelantier : Greek Mythology
rogueslayer452 : How has fandom influenced your life?
sineala: "Who is your favorite fictional character ever and why?"
alasse_irena : "Tell me about the most So Bad It's Good piece of media you have ever encountered?"
draycevixen : "Tell me about Paris."
rogueslayer452 : How many people in your real life know about your fandom activities? Do you find it hard to explain to others outside of fandom what fandom is, or do you just avoid the conversation completely?
melannen : What are your feelings on Agent of Asgard? :D
tielan : If you could live in any fictional 'verse, which one would it be, and why?
*I may take a few days off at the beginning and end, for various reasons, fyi.
This entry was originally posted at and has
comments over there.