Finally saw Avengers

May 13, 2012 22:14

I've been planning to see Avengers since it came out on April 25. I was originally supposed to see it on the following saturday, the next tuesday and the saturday after that. It didn't work out so well. Each of the people I had plans with cancelled on me at least once and up to five times (five times). It was always for good reasons too, so I can't really blame them, but it's still kind of ridiculous.

I guess it'll make a funny story one day.

Here be spoilers.

Natasha was brilliant, tricksy (outwitting Loki like it's nothing) and ultra-competent (beating up bad guys while tied to a chair). She has a dry sense of wit and a pretty nifty friendship with Barton.

Barton, or as Stark calls him, "Legolas" is also competent like everyone we see at SHIELD (except possibly the guy playing Galaga).

Stark was snarky and funny. The bit where Loki goes "pok" against his arc reactor was one of the funniest. He's changed over the course of the movie too, for example from calling Coulson "Agent" to nuking the Chitauri homeship.

Coulson was nerdy and a Captain America fanboy (so happy about his vintage trading cards).

Captain America was patriotic and ridiculously happy about catching the Wizard of Oz reference. His shield versus Thor's hammer was the best fight of the movie.

Thor looked like a hippy escaping from a Renaissance Faire. Honestly though, he was a bit superfluous, imho.

Bruce Banner rode to battle on aSolex, you guys, a freaking Solex. Or whatever those are called in the USA. I really liked him and Tony being SCIENCE BROS! I appreciated that what little science talk they had made sense but that there wasn't enough for them to not make sense, if that makes sense.

Speaking of science, putting a mineral that emits antiprotons (what) in a regular matter environment is only a good idea if you want to blow up half the continent.

Maria Hill was badass and so was Nick Fury. I wish we'd seen more of her and that Jane (and Darcy) had had appearances, or even a mention in Darcy's case. Mentions of Carol Danvers and/or Bobbi Morse would also have been fun.

tl;dr: IT WAS AWESOME! but I wish there'd been more women.

Also, I got the promotional comic for free. Note to Panini: Episode 5 of Young Avengers: the Children's Crusade is not a good tie-in comic for the movie or even a good gateway to Marvel comics, as it opens with way too many not-introduced characters hitting each other in the face.

fandom: all, fandom: avengers (movie-verse), reviews

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