Tough Love

Sep 19, 2009 08:34

Title: Tough Love

Author: dhamphir

Fandom: SG-1

Pairing: Sam/Janet

Rating: PG

Word count: ~4600

Summary: A family in crisis.

Disclaimer: SG-1 its characters belong to B.W, J.G. and MGM. No copyright infringement intended, no money be made.

Spoilers/Timeline: AU, S8, Heroes II didn’t happen, anything S1-7 fair game.

A/N1: This is the result of a prompt ( Read more... )

character: janet fraiser, pairing: sam/janet, fic, fandom: sg1, prompt filled, character: samantha carter, rating: pg

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Comments 24

hysteria74 September 19 2009, 19:51:23 UTC
oh wow..... wow ::wipes tears from her eyes:: See the pile of red mush over there? That'll be my heart then...

This was just exceptionally well written and thought out. A fantastic reality check. If you think about it. Yeah Sam's always off world or busy trying to fix some naqudac (sp?) thing. She's quite obessed with her work, so it's easy to see how - despite her love for her family - she could have neglegted them. It took a nasty shock to come around for her to realise this.

It's also nice to read a story that isn't all fluffy bunnies. They're is actually bad stuff in the world but ultimatley, if you put the time in and you love one another, then it'll be ok in the end.



dhamphir September 19 2009, 22:40:33 UTC
*hands over tissue for tears and scoops pile of mush and gently places in heartshaped container*

This was just exceptionally well written and thought out.
Thank you! When I started this one I had no idea it was going to be so long. Something quite different from most of my 'first line' prompt fics.

Yes, Sam loves her family, but because of her commitments at the SGC it would be easy to miss so much due to not being there and due to just not seeing things coming. And her neglect certainly wouldn't have been deliberate. I glad you liked it.


hysteria74 September 19 2009, 23:42:28 UTC
Well I loved it. Love your writing and hope to see much more...


dhamphir September 20 2009, 00:55:45 UTC
Thanks! I hope to keep writing. ;)


oxfordshoes2 September 19 2009, 21:02:51 UTC
Wow! A dose of 'real life'... raising a teenager, being in a long term relationship etc etc. Beautifully written and well constructed. The respect they have for each other is so perfect... true love mixed with tough love!

ps: Imagine Janet looking even more gorgeous after a month of sun 'n surf... ahhh!

pps: a nice fanfic ... MUCH bigger than a drabble, bigger than a ficlet... a joy to read.... your muse is waking up? ;-)


dhamphir September 19 2009, 22:45:17 UTC
Yeah, I like fluff and humor, but this just demanded to be written. I'm glad it turned it out well.

ps: Imagine Janet looking even more gorgeous after a month of sun 'n surf... ahhh!
Heh, it was so easy to imagine. And I had to be careful about keeping the drool from my keyboard! *lol*

I'm glad you enjoyed it. As for the muse, she's a fickle one, but I've been trying to encourage more than just drabble-ish length responses to prompts... but I'm sure those will still appear as well.


(The comment has been removed)

dhamphir September 20 2009, 00:38:23 UTC
*passes over box of tissues*

Thank you. I'm glad it turned out so well. And I know exactly what you mean... Cassie almost always seems to be portrayed as the perfect kid: straight A's, well-adjusted, mature beyond her years, etc. And in truth, I rather like that version myself at times, but this just seemed to demand to be written. :)


ml_spikie September 20 2009, 00:43:23 UTC
Wow, I hope you have a mop because I shed some tears. This was very, very well done. Sam/Janet stories are often fluffy or simply PWP, so it is nice to read some real life issues that this couple may face.

Your writing is really a pleasure to read and I thank you once again for devoting so much time to my favorite couple.


dhamphir September 20 2009, 00:53:21 UTC
*hands over mop* :D

When I first read this particular prompt, I had a couple of fluffy thoughts, but then the angst muse struck. It turned out to be about twice as long as I expected. I'm glad you liked it.

At first I wasn't sure how people would react to Janet taking off like she did, but everyone has a breaking point.

Thanks for your continued support and encouragement.


celievamp September 20 2009, 11:53:15 UTC
Hey, this is one of the best stories you've written, emotional and compelling and not going for the easy answers. great stuff!


dhamphir September 20 2009, 12:23:59 UTC
Hey,this is one of the best stories you've written
O.O Wow! Thanks. :D I really appreciate you telling me that.


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