Fic: A Little Pride

Apr 17, 2023 20:27

Title: A Little Pride
Author: dhamphir
Fandom: SG-1
Pairing/Character: Janet Fraiser
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~815
Summary: Janet’s writing in her diary again after a day at the shooting range. Part of the Janet’s Secrets Series.
Spoilers/Timeline: No spoilers.
Disclaimer: Not mine. They belong to B.W., J.G., MGM, and Gekko. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.
A/N1: I started a prompt table four years ago but only got halfway through it. Figured I’d try to work on it again. ;) 100prompts, table 1/prompt 17 (weapon).
A/N2: Special thanks to my beta readers akasarahsmom and jazwriter. All mistakes are my own.

A Little Pride

character: janet fraiser, ficlet, fic, prompt filled, 100 prompts, fandom: sg1, janet's secrets, rating: pg

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