Well, I made it through NaNo this year, and managed to get over 51k words written. I actually split my time on two different stories, and neither one of them is anywhere near complete, so there is still a lot left to write. I just hope my muse sticks around long enough for me to finish at least one of them.
I'm probably just going to veg out today; my brain needs the break. *lol* Tomorrow I'll probably start playing with my new laptop that I purchased at the beginning of the month. I haven't really done much with it since I was so busy with NaNo. It always take me several days to set up a new laptop to my specifications. There's always programs to be loaded and then setting those programs up the way I like them. So it can be time consuming. But I'm looking forward to it; the laptop I'm using now is over four years old and is getting a little worse for wear.
In the meantime, I'm going to sit back and relax, and enjoy to the fact the NaNo didn't beat me. :D
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