Okay, this is just for some cracky fun. Hopefully this will spark some creativity in my muse. *S*
1. I've written down a list of 10 characters. (I'm using all female characters)
2. You choose however many of those you like and ask me a question about them.
"What happens when 5 and 9 are forced to take care of a baby?" or
"1, 4, and 8 walk into a bar. What happens next?" or
"What does 3 do when she finds out that 10 is pregnant with 7's child?" You get the idea. :D
3. I'll tell you about these scenarios.
I can't guarentee these will be actual stories, but will see what kind of crack my muse can come up with. *lol* Oh, and just to let know, each character I've chosen is from a completely different fandom. :)
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