Subtle Payback

Jun 26, 2012 17:40

Title: Subtle Payback
Fandom: SG-1
Character: Janet Fraiser
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Summary: Janet has her own way of was dealing with problem patients.
Spoilers/Timeline: n/a
Disclaimer: SG-1 and its characters belong to B.W, J.G. and MGM. No copyright infringement intended, no money be made.
Archive: Only with permission.
A/N1: Drabble written from the prompt (Janet, cold stethoscope) given by

carinjo in this post.

Subtle Payback

Janet was, by nature, a caring soul. Her empathy coupled with her seemingly inexhaustible patience made her a good doctor, a good healer. However, even she had her breaking point.

It usually came not during the cacophony of an emergency, but during the quiet times, after the dust had settled and she knew her friends were no longer in danger.

As a doctor she could do no harm. But that didn't mean she couldn't act out in subtle ways, pay back those "problem" patients when they got on her last nerve - with the stethoscope she kept in her office refrigerator.

This entry was originally posted at

character: janet fraiser, fic, fandom: sg1, prompt filled, rating: g, drabble

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