Our Hotel in London
Sleepy Dan
On top of St Paul's
The Globe!
Trafalgar Square. Yee Haw!
The Tower Bridge
We got to see a boat (albeit it a lame one) go through!
Rochester Cathedral - What an Organ!
Rochester Cathedral from the Keep
On top of Rochester Keep
Dan's trying to kill me (very, very deservedly)
Out in Dorset (Rainbarrow)
Lulworth Cove
Just Spooning Around
On the bus
View from the Weymouth Hotel
Salisbury Cathedral -- So Cool!
Mac is too short to go up the tower
That is a long shadow. Reminds me of....
We're tall!
What ARE we doing?
Oh yeah.
Fuckin' Showoff
The HMC Cathedral. Jess was my fat buttress.
Maiden Castle (Windy Much?)
On the way to Stonehenge at 6am
I have funny ideas...
Alumni Dinner
All he needed was one good gay lover...
Going along for the gay-clubbin'
Open Source Has A Posse!
I love it!!!
Evil Knievel crossing!
What a helpful sign
Something wrong here?
Are they saying you don't save much?!
Wow. Just, wow. And that's a metric assload of fine (L1000)!
Typical :-D
Thas it for now folks!!!