Nov 16, 2006 01:20
I finally finished my draft to my bug report and sent it off to be pre-marked, after which point I will probably recieve it back with losts of crossing out and red writing *shudders*
But it means that I can finally begin to study for plant, now all I have to do is learn an entire semesters worth on plant patheology in 4 problem *gulps*
In order to get my report finished today I tried to get work off, but I managed to work the morning instead so that I could work on my report the sarvo, but somehow I managed to work 1 1/2 more than usual and start at 8am, which was extremely difficult because I haven't been out of bed before 11 in almost 2 weeks, in the end I think I made a bad deal and should never be asked to assist in hostage situtations.
well manga, then bed.