(no subject)

Aug 13, 2007 09:57

Sometimes I don't feel like myself. Sometimes events happen in my life and I don't think about it like it's happening to me. I view it as if it's happening to someone else and I'm just watching. I don't know why I get this way sometimes. I find myself looking at the situation, wondering "I wonder what he'll do here". It's the ultimate interactive television because I really do control what happens next.

The weekend, oh the weekend. You go by too fast much like my life as a whole. Friday we played some tennis which I really do miss. Damn you Bucky for living so far away. It's actually me who lives so far away. I should head home one of these weekends. While playing tennis I got a call from Houda. She asked me if I wanted to go to Pittsburgh with her and some friends. At first I thought I didn't want to go, but then I realized that I don't do enough spontaneous things like this. So I said I'd go even if it meant getting up at 9AM the next morning to meet 4 strangers in eastern Columbus. I met Vic (Indian guy from Tamilnadu who was-- guess -- a computer programmer, 24), Saneit (I'm not sure if this is how she spells her name or not, but it was pronounced "Sun night"-- she was from Eritria, a little country just north of Ethiopia-- I felt like such a idiot for never having heard of it, 29), Deb (a teacher of gifted middle school children at a couple of schools in Columbus, 36 but looks and seems like she's 26), and Houda around 9:30, then we had some Waffle House (mmmmm...)

The trip was pretty quick since we spent the majority of it arguing about the school systems in the US (it was a constructive argument). When we weren't arguing about the school systems we were trying to decide where to go when we got to Pittsburgh. Deb had brought a AAA booklet with places to see. We finally decided on The Cathedral of Learning which I thought sounded lame lol. I wanted to go to the natural history museum and see the dinosaurs (RAWR RAWR PEW PEW!) but I guess they were out of commission (wtf Pittsburgh!)

It turns out the CoL was pretty interesting, it had all these rooms from different countries throughout the ages, lots of cool stuff in each one. One neat thing about the CoL is that Pitt students actually have class in there! I spoke with my friend Jasmine who confirmed that she had class in there. We ate lunch (some Mexican place) then headed over to look at a conservatory/botanical garden. We spent much too long getting there because a lot of Pittsburgh streets are one-way and we didn't have very good navigation (it wasn't me!). We didn't take the tour cause it was getting kind of late and they still wanted to charge full price so we just walked around a little bit. After that we went to the Duquesne Lift, which is this train that goes straight up the mountainside (Jasmine suggested this, thanks!). There was a really nice view from the top, you could really see the whole city. At the top there were some streets/restaurants so we walked around a little bit.

After the lift we headed downtown to walk around. Pittsburgh has a lot of old buildings and a lot of really new age type buildings. It was really an odd mixture. Also, Pittsburgh has a lot of homeless people who are out in the open. I guess Columbus hides their homeless better. Maybe Columbus is just more spread out (Pittsburgh is actually kind of small in terms of land mass) It was pretty exciting walking around downtown because there was a Steelers game starting, so it really had an Buckeyes game kind of feel to it. After walking around downtown for a while we headed to the southside (which was just on the other side of the river hehe) for some food. We ended up eating at some place called City Grill or something like that (just some American food). After some drinks we had a pretty lively discussion (drinks will do that for you... you go from talking about PC stuff to talking about hooters), the we headed down to some coffee place. We ended up leaving Pittsburgh at around 11:00, so we didn't get home till 1:45. I tried not to sleep on the way, and for the most part I didn't but there were times where I drifted in and out. All in all it was a good trip, and I'm glad I went. Who knew 5 strangers could have such a good time (we all got along so well was the surprising part).

Trips to other cities make me wonder what people write when they come to Columbus. What would they go see? What am I missing out on that out of towners are seeing in my city? Trips also make me wonder what my life would be like had I decided to go somewhere else besides OSU. What if I had gone to Pitt, Carnegie Mellon, or the Art Institute of Pittsburgh? Probably I would think of Pittsburgh as normal/home, love the Steelers, and be amazed at all the sights in Columbus lol. I would also wonder why Columbus doesn't have more statues (Pittsburgh had a ton!)

When I finally got home the girl who might be living with us was there (Angie). She definitely gets my stamp of approval to live with, hopefully she doesn't find us too gross once we stop being polite and things start getting REAL! Also, we are totally coming up with a secret handshake (lol maybe not really) but I can already tell that she's the kind of person who would partake in such an activity.

Saturday night I also (yeah I know it was a long day) pissed off Fallon. Apparently I can't call her a bitch, even in jest, even when I laugh, she laughs, everyone laughs, and its absolutely a joke. Apparently it's paramount to making racial slurs. I call bullshit. The situation was this. We were talking about Angie after she left, and Fallon mentioned that she liked her. I said "Of course you like her you shallow bitch!". I thought that what Fallon had meant by saying that she liked her was that she was glad that Angie wasn't some hot babe who Joey is gonna try to get with when she is not there (of course he wont, Fallon just thinks these things-- also for the record Angie isn't bad looking just not a smokin hot babe or something). The reason I said this is because I didn't see Fallon meeting Angie so I assumed they did not (I still don't know if they did or not) so Fallon only saw her as she was leaving. After we all laughed at what I thought was understanding of the joke, Fallon went upstairs. Then I made the mistake of going to apologize (which was the worst possible thing I could have done because apologizing was an admittance of wrongdoing, which I did not do). She's such a child sometimes, I really hate how such a little thing can blow up into a huge fucking temper tantrum. Jesus tap-dancing Christ we are all adults here. People say the word bitch a million fucking times a day. I called the girl I'm courting a bitch yesterday. It's a JOKE people seriously wtf. I mean, it's not like I'm some guy she just met or anything. I fully consider the girlfriend/boyfriend of my friend to be my friend, but apparently she doesn't see it that way. I'm just some douchebag stranger who just called her a bitch. The worst part is that Joey gets the repercussions for it, which I can't help. I sometimes feel like it's gonna come down to her or me, and well shit, I don't control the pussy in this relationship. Whatever, I've had girls take away my friends before, it's just fucking life. I guess Fallon and I go to a cordial Hello-Goodbye relationship from now on. Oh well I've done my best to be friendly, but as you learn in life, logic doesn't always prevail.

EDIT: I'm not throwing mine and Fallon's friendly relationship under the bus and just saying fuck it, far from that. We can still mend things if she comes to her senses and apologizes for overreacting. I just can't believe it when shit like this happens. It's jaw dropping to me when Joey comes into my room the next morning and we have to talk about it like I dropped the N-Bomb or something ACTUALLY offensive/worthy of this kind of reaction. Fallon is 24 years old and she should be treated like an adult, which is exactly what I'm doing instead of pandering to her temper tantrum and giving her what she wants which is the satisfaction of having power to make people grovel and beg for her forgiveness. Fuck that.
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